Broken Queen

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Part 10:Broken Queen

(Authors note: This chapter is written from the Queens point of view, part 11 will be back to the normal point of view.)

"I fell no guilt, I never will. They will never know, right?", this message ran through my head as I tried to sleep. I will never feel any guilt because I deserve this. I deserve to be queen. She knew I needed a mother after my mother died, but she still decided to have a child with that idiot any way. She is in the wrong, not me. I was only 12, how dare she do this to me. "Would you ever do this to your own child?", this was another question I kept asking myself. I was 6 months pregnant with an un-known man's baby. But, I was 29. I can handle this. Right after I get over this guilt, I mean... get over it because I am not guilty, I do not feel guilt, just power. I did what I needed to do 17 years ago. Ruby, just get over it.
Just then, a man walked into my room. "She's here, she must have heard. She came through a portal." The man said.
"Bring her here! She shall not know and no one shall tell her!", I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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