Insta Follow Request

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Hey guys..!!

Its me Mickeyyy🤗🤗

How r u all..??

M so Sorryyy for not posting from soo long.

Actually m quite busy in studies right now.
So i have started page on insta on which i post quotes written by me.🙈🙈🙈

Please please please follow me on Insta on my page for all types of quotes be it motivational, heartbroken, broken friendship, lonely, depressed, happy, funny, everything.

Link for my account is :

I'm on Instagram as @_lifequotes23. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.

Please support me there also, i will try my best to post quotes which you all will like.

And about my wattpad account,

M having new Idea for another short story on my mind.

I have tried to start writing it many times, but due to some personal reasons wasn't able to write.

I was little bit depressed, but now m all good again. 🤗🤗🤗

In Sha Allah, will post it soon.

Maybe after my sessional exams,
i.e., during diwali vacations.

See you soon guys..!!

And yes,
do follow me on insta..!!!


Allah Hafiz 😄😄

- Mickeyy

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