My Boyfriend - Jayce and Jay Chapter 3

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I’m so sorry about the long wait, I feel awful for being so lazy. You might want to re-read last chapter to remember since it’s been so long the recap might not be enough.

Don’t hate me. Sorry

Tell me what you think: DD


I rushed to class just wanting to see Taylor, even though we weren’t talking I missed seeing her smile, and I wanted to be the one to make her smile again. When I got to class she wasn’t there yet. While I was waiting for T to come in I started getting annoyed again; what the hell was taking her so long?

************************Chapter 3 ***********************

****JAY POV****

Okay yeah, the bell hadn’t even rung yet, but surely she should be waiting in here; wanting to make up with me, to make things right between us again.  I mean she hasn’t even acknowledged me for two weeks, even when we weren’t together we spoke practically every day.  She shouldn’t even want to walk around out there without me I knew how much other people's stares freaked her out, I thought making her wear something so damn hot would mean she would need me by her side to stop all the perverted looks that I knew she despised.  She would need me to protect her.

After what felt like forever the bell rang a second time signalling that class was about to start, meaning my baby girl would be here soon, I knew when she did finally talk to me everything would be okay, like Rick said she was too nice, but she was mine and that’s the way I liked her.  I could screw up and she would always forgive me.  I stopped day dreaming when I saw her walk through the door nervously, others may not have been able to tell she was nervous as she had painted on a small smile but I could tell what she was thinking more than she could.  I glanced down at the rest of her body wanting to see that stunning outfit that I so wisely chose, to see a midnight black shirt covering her tiny body.  The smile that had been on my face since I saw her disappeared and was replaced by fury.  How dare she wear someone else’s shirt?  How dare she make me look like an idiot?  What the hell is she playing at? Before I could stop myself I jumped out my seat and grabbed her; pulling her fragile body slamming into my chest.

“What the hell are you wearing?  Sit the fuck down and put this on!” I whispered furiously.

“I can’t go anywhere until you let go of me, and you’re embarrassing me.” She whispered calmly looking up into my eyes with hurt etched in them.

I couldn’t look away from those beautiful turquoise eyes.  I forgot how beautiful they were, even now after all these years she could still stop me in my tracks. I couldn’t wait for her to be mine again.

******************TAYLOR POV*************

I was so worried standing by the door; I shouldn’t have come to class Jayce looks so angry.  I can’t go sit next to him and pretend everything was okay.  Nothing was right, I could feel people’s whispers and eyes going between us both trying to work out the situation, filling all the information they could muster in their bubble brains, to spread through school. My guess is that by the end of second period the whole female population of the school would know that Jayce was fair game.  Well that’s just great, just what I need more girls throwing themselves at him, I thought sarcastically.

Before I could decide where to sit Jayce had jumped out of his chair and marched forward pulling me towards him possessively.  Crushing me into his chest and wrapping his arms around me tightly leaving me no room to struggle.  All I could feel was his tense muscles through his top, which I melted into, I missed being in his arms so much.  He felt so good to be with, we fitted together perfectly.  The only thing is so many other girls had the same thought, which he didn’t mind proving to them. I clung back to him, knowing this might be the last time I ever touched him and focused on what he was saying.

“What the hell are you wearing? Sit the fuck down and put this on!” He whisper shouted.

And there it was another reason why I shouldn’t get pulled back into his game, always getting angry if something isn’t the way HE thinks it should be, always about him.

“I can’t go anywhere until you let go of me, and you’re embarrassing me.”  I replied trying to convey no emotion in my voice even though my heart felt like it was breaking it in half and was just begging me to forgive him.

He let go of me gently and took hold of my hand with a small smile which looked fixed and gestured for me to come sit down in our normal places.  I wanted to go with him, but I knew if I did he would have the whole hour to wear down my resolve.  He couldn’t keep doing this to me.  I couldn’t just brush it under the rug this time. 

This was Quinn; he couldn’t have done much worse.  He looked at me questioningly whilst gently nudging me towards our seats.  I thought I heard him mutter quietly “Don’t hate me” but that must have been my wishful thinking because no way would Jayce say something like that especially with an audience.  But hearing that even if it was in my head gave my legs the will to start moving alongside Jay, it’s like they were moving on their own, I knew I should turn away and sit somewhere else but I physically couldn’t move.  His hand seemed to be the only thing I could focus on, how it felt in my hand.  Perfect.  How I could feel the ring I bought him for his last birthday, just before everything went sour; I remember him saying that he wouldn’t wear it at school cause he didn’t want people to think he was under the thumb. But here he was at school wearing it, maybe he could change I thought as I sat down.  Maybe I shouldn’t give up hope yet, if I play this right maybe things would be different and I’d get my Jayce back and Jay would disappear for good.

Sorry again for taking so long to upload. I'll try and be better from now on. Tell me what you think good or bad.

Thanks for reading :) <3


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