Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: An A-Maze-ing Tower

The next morning Richard was the first one awake. He decided to go fishing while he waiting for the others to rouse themselves. Locating a nearby stream, he rolled up his pant legs and sleeves and waded into the water. Once about knee deep, he stood perfectly still and waited patiently for an unsuspecting fish to swim by, then

“SPLASH!” He grabbed it with cat-like reflexes and threw it several feet to the bank.

After catching two or three more, he decided that was enough to feed everyone. When he arrived back at camp Wysteria was tending the fire. She looked up when he entered the clearing and smiled at him.

“Good morning. I see you’ve been busy.” Wysteria said eyeing the fish slung over his shoulder.

“Yep.” Richard said proud of his catch.

“I gathered some fruit as well, so we’ll have a nice, healthy breakfast before entering the tower.” Wysteria said, smiling.

Richard nodded and sat down to skin the fish with his knife. Afterwards he gathered some sticks, put the fish on them, and roasted the fish over the fire. The smell of the cooking fish soon woke the others. After the fish were done cooking they all ate their fill.


    “No training today. We need to get to the tower as quickly as possible.” Malachi informed them.

    “Right.” the four teens said.

    After Wysteria treated Malachi’s wound, maybe for the last time before they separated, they started at a fast pace toward the tower. As they neared it, Wysteria noticed something strange about the area around the tower. The questions in her head were soon answered though when Malachi spoke.

    “The area around the tower is surrounded by an enchanted hedge maze. It is impossible to cheat without dire consequences. When we enter: do not cut at the hedges, try to go over, dig under, use your magic to elevate yourself, or try to go through the hedges. Breaking any of these rules could get you severely injured or killed.” Malachi warned.

Wysteria gulped. ‘This will be hard. That maze looks huge.’ She thought.

As they approached the entrance of the maze, Wysteria looked up at the hedges that towered at le above her head, seemingly touching the clouds. It also had an eerie feeling about it, like a haunted house eerie feeling. It gave her little goosebumps on her arms. She followed close behind the others as Malachi led the way through the twists and turns.

“I don’t like this place. It doesn’t feel right.” Wysteria whispered, more to herself than to anyone else.

“This place gives me the creeps to.” Jonathan said, suddenly right beside her. Almost by instinct, Wysteria huddled closer to Jonathan. He wrapped an arm around her protectively. “Don’t worry I won’t let anything hurt you.”

“Thanks.” Wysteria said, sighing in relief. The nervousness in her stomach lessened.

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