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It was a nice warm day, just after a rainstorm. The sun was still high in the sky but on its way down. A small town at the base of the mountain was just coming back to life after hiding and waiting out the storm. Kids went to go play in the newly formed puddles while the adults got back to work in order to try to finish the chores they had started before the downpour. It was like any other day when Annie had found a small slime creature in one of the puddles she was playing in. Annie was no younger than seven, she was small and cute with long black hair that was in a long braid down her back. Her emerald green eyes lit up with curiosity and excitement as she ran and got a jar to put it in. Once she did that she stared at the slime for what seemed like forever. Then out of nowhere the jar was yanked out of her hands by another pair of tiny hands. They belong to a little boy named John. He was the same age as her but only a bit bigger and he made sure she knew it every chance he got. He had short blonde hair and his eyes looked like the midday sky. John held the jar to see what was in it to be surprised to find a slime inside. It was the first time he has ever seen one that wasn't in a picture book. In his own excitement he completely forgot about teasing Annie and joined her in staring out this new thing in their lives. John then took off the lid and was going to touch before Annie stopped him saying "it could be dangerous." John groaned and got a stick to poke at it with. As the stick passed through the slime it started to bubble and dissolve inside of the slime. Annie smiled knowing that she was right but John was too busy to notice with ideas of what else the slime could eat. Everything John could get his hands on went into the jar and it all dissolved from hair to clothes to some left over meat that was thrown out. The only things the slime didn't eat was the glass jar that it was in and the rocks John tried after the stick. Everything else was gone in seconds to minutes depending on how big it was and what it was. After hours of doing this they decided to take it home Annie tried to take it but John stole it out of her hands and ran off home with it. She started to chase him but it was getting late and she didn't want her mother to worry about her being out after dark. 

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