Getting The Wand

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Mal and Evie open the door to their dorm and see that it's really pink and princess like

Evie: Wow. This place is so amazin-

Mal: Gross

Evie: I know right amazingly gross ew

Mal: I'm going to need some serious sunscreen. E

She points to the curtains. They both close the pink curtains in the room

Henry: Hey Guys there is not enough room for me in Carlos and Jays room so I have to bunk with y'all. Wow your room is.............bright

Mal: I know right

Mal, Evie and Henry walk into Jay and Carlos room. Carlos is playing a video game and Jay is looking at some stuff on his bed

Mal: Jay, What are you doing

Jay: Its called stealing

Mal: Ok what's the point

Jay: Its like buying whatever I want except it's free

Mal: Ok. Or you can leave this here and pick it up when we take over the world

Evie: You sound just like your mom

Mal: Thank you

Jay: You do it your way I'll do it mine

Carlos: Die Suckers!
Henry you got to try this thing it's awesome

Henry walks over there and starts playing

Henry: Whoa Ho ha ha

Mal: Guys Do I have to remind you what were here for

Henry: Fairy Godmother blah blah blah Magic wand blah blah blah

Evie starts laughing

Mal: This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents! To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel! Yeah.

They all say: Yeah

Mal: Evie mirror me

Evie: Mirror Mirror on th- In my hand where does fairy godmothers wand stand

The mirror shows a picture of the wand

Carlos: Zoom out

Evie: Magic mirror not so close

It then shows a picture of the earth

Evie: Closer Closer Closer Closer

Carlos: Can I get back to my game I'm on level three

Jay: Stop!

Mal: Its in a museum

Henry: Do we know where that is

Carlos types on computer

Carlos: 2.3 miles from here

The vks look out the door and no one is there so they sneak out


They are approaching the museum

Mal: Check your mirror

Evie: Is my mascara smudged

Mal: Yeah while your at it how about you find us the wand

Evie: Sorry this way

They run around and find the entrance and walk up. They look in and see the items on display on the cameras They look and see Maleficents spinning wheel

Jay: That's your mother's spinning wheel (The boys laugh)

Carlos: Yeah it's kinda dorky

Mal: Its magic it doesn't have to look scary. Magic spindle do not linger make my victim prick a finger

The security guard does not budge

Henry: Impresseive

Carlos: I got chills

The boys laugh again

Mal: Ok you know what prick the finger prick it deep send my enemie off to sleep.

The security guard gets up and walks over to the spinning wheel and pricks his finger a spark of magic poofs up and the security guard yawns and goes to sleep.

Mal: Not so dorky now huh

Mal trys to open the door but it doesn't open

Jay: Stand back

Jay goes back to get a running start

Mal: Make it easy make it quick open up without a kick

Jay trys to kick the door open but ends up falling

Mal and Evie start laughing

Mal: Ya coming

Carlos trys to help him up but Jay pushes him away

They run around the museum trying to find the wand but ends up in the hall of villans where there are statues of their parents. They stop and look at each one of their parents.

Evie: Mommy?

Jay: Killer

Carlos: I'll never forget mother's day again.

Henry: Well the wands not here lets bounce

Everyone walks away but Mal. While Henry's wandering trying to find the wand. He finds a red scepter That says Queen of Hearts.

Henry: My mom had a scepter?

The secpter had a small red button on its side. Henry clicked the button and it turned into a key it had crowns on it and another button on it.

Henry: I can carry my mom's scepter in a key that's cool.

Evie : Henry come on. Where's mal?

Henry: Idk probably still in the hall of villans

Evie: Ok.

After a few minutes Evie came back with Mal we all stood around looking at the wand. They notice it being held up by some barrier. Jay then starts sliding under the rail

Mal: Jay don't

Jay reaches out to grab the wand anyway. As soon as he touches it he bounces back and a siren goes off.

Henry: A force field and a siren

Jay: Thats just a little excessive

The start running away downstairs trying to get out. As they're running out the door Carlos hears the phone ring and answers

Carlos: Hello. Uh Uh just give me one second

He types a few buttons and the siren stops

Carlos: No No false alarm it was a malfunction in the uh LM71 chip in the breadwood circuit. Yea say hi to the misses

Henry: Carlos!

Carlos: Your welcome

They start running away from the museum

Mal: Way to go Jay now we have to go to school tomorrow

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while just had a lot to do. Anyway I will begin publishing more regularly.

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