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Hello there!

Chit chat time? Hahah!

Well if you read my message board before I've published SLICE OF THE WOLF, I've said that this will be more myself. Quote that was for myself when I'm giving up and I'd like to share it.

Full of motivation for self, self respect, attitude of the bad guy that you didn't know and some kind like that. I also tagged that this will full of curse.

I'm sorry if you feel a bit rough to accept but like I wrote at the description, it's UNIMPORTANT TO READ.

Also like the first one, this will be 100 too.

Hmm, what else to talk?

Oh yes, the reason why this work was published is not because of the excitement that I felt when you read the first one. It's because there's no one like to hear that's why I wrote it down. I don't really exited though to see that this work was a success. I just appreciate you all who read it all.

Can't thank you enough. But believe me I'm saying the truth.

Number of votes and reads were not so close. This makes me smirk to the one read it but still so ego to leave some votes hahah! Come on, I don't really want your votes though, I just want to know if you're exist or you're a dead meat hahahah! Turns out you're the second one. Pissed off? I don't talk to please you.

P/s: I'm really into this song after I've explored what things I can do. Ha Ha Ha!

Insane inside~

The danger gets me high~

Can't help myself~

Got secrets I can't tell~

P/ss: ¡Felicitaciones! To the one who knows what I'm doing in my life. You're so lucky, mujer. Yet, fuiste buena mujer. But, yeah. As I wrote before, you only know what I allowed to.

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