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"I love you Ronnie" I stepped back a little


"UHM" BITCH?! Say it back. SAY IT BACK RIGHT NOW. You know you want to.

"My fault, you don't have know"

Nigga why can't I speak? It's so simple. Just say it Roo, swallow your pride for one fucking second.

I looked down and she sighed. I could tell she was embarrassed, a little upset. I'm so stupid bro. She walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

I groaned at how ignorant I was acting. I walk downstairs and saw Lailani on the couch looking at her phone, I sat next to her and she looked up at me.

"What's wrong with you?" I layed back and looked at her

"Nothing" she sat closer to me

"Tell me"

"Can we talk about something else?" She sighed

"Okay... I thought about you alot while I was gone"

"I know, I'm pretty hard to forget" she put her hand on my arm and I looked at it

"No for real... I've been wanting you" I pushed her hand off my arm

"Yeah... no... relax" she rolled her eyes

"I know you want me too, Tae don't even gotta know"

"Yes the fuck she do, you need to stop" she got on top of me and wrapped her arms around "Lailani GET off me"

"You know you want to" I tried to push her off

"No I don't, GET OFF ME BEFORE I DO IT MYSELF" she tried to kiss me and I put my hand in her face "STOP, ya breath"

"Roo quite playin" I tried pushing her off again but her arms were firm around my neck

"Lailani--" she kissed me and I quickly pulled away

"Ok what are we" we both looked over at Tae and Lailani's arms dropped


"Shut up Ronelle" she looked at Lailani "I have been waiting for a reason to beat yo ass"

She quickly got off me and stepped away. Tae came at her and punched her dead in her nose and she didn't stop, even when she was down. I'd never seen Tae like this, she wasn't a violent person. I pulled her off that bitch and she kept trying to go back.

"Let go of me" I turned her to face me, still holding her as she struggled

"Stop it. Right now." She huffed and finally kept still

"Why is you defending her right now? Do you really have sympathy for this hoe? I can't fucking believe you bro"

"No Tae, this just ain't you, you tryna kill this girl and shes already knocked out" she scoffed

"Did you use to go together?" I stayed quiet "answer me when I'm talking to you"

"Yes, but we broke up when she moved"

"I don't care when you broke up,you told me she was an old friend, not a ex. I put my trust in you and all you doing is lying"

"And I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry" she looked up at me "the lying stops now"

"You swear?" I nodded

"I swear" she sighed and hugged me

"I trust you" I smiled

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