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Dearest Lois;
It has been ages since I first saw you. Your bright yellow shirt. Your frilly skirt. My first thought; beautiful.
You see me every day, but you don't really see me at all.
Fear me Lois. Fear death.

I pushed the door forwards; the bell rang signalling my entrance. I shielded my face with my arm; the light blinding me. I stepped in the direction of voices and entered the coffee shop.

I ordered a tall white latte; walked towards the two-seater by the window and checked my surroundings... the floor was a dark, molten brown wood, the wall opposite me was cream, whilst the wall adjacent to me was a chocolate brown. The sign "The coffee club" lingered outside above my head. Sending shadows that steamed along the table in front of me.

The sun shone on my bright yellow shirt and my pink frilly skirt. My glasses set atop of my head and my orange curls seeming gold; with the glint of the sun's rays.

The waitress walked toward me. Her black hair flowing down her back. Swishing to the side as she walked swiftly to my table.

One tall white latte and an envelope!"
"Thank you but I..."

The waitress retreated back to the front desk and played with her necklace. Waiting for yet another customer to enter.

I turned my attention the tall white latte. My eyes roaming the froth on the top; my eyes swept over the envelope. Wait... An envelope.

I opened the envelope with shaky hands. Straining my features to remain detached and uncaring. My fingers touched the front of the letter inside.

"Watch your back Lois. Death is closer than you expect."

End of flashback

"Lois?" I jumped. I put a hand to my heart and breathed in a deep breath. I looked towards the source of the voice. "Lois? I mean teacher?"
"Back again I see."
"Yes as always."
"I see you have another envelope."
"Yes. Unfortunately. My mother is having troubles.
"How does she have the time to write to you every day though? Every day you are here now and every day you receive an envelope."
"Yes she likes to keep me exceptionally updated."
I took a sip of my tall white latte and watched as Jess eyed me curiously.
"Right then. I better be off. Don't cut yourself on the envelope Lois. You don't want a paper cut. Goodbye."

Before I had the chance to respond. Jess had exited and left me alone at my window seat.

I sighed and reached for my envelope. I retreated my hand when I received a paper cut. Again I reached for the envelope but was cut short by a roll of thunder. My face paled. I haven't realized that the world had become dark. The shadows etched around the cafe and a dreary feeling settled in my stomach.

I opened the envelope and retrieved the letter.

"Are you watching your back Lois? Wouldn't want a knife in it? Now would we?"

I tilted my head towards the window and shrunk backwards to my seat.

Her hair black as ebony. Her figure slim and glowing in the shadow. I saw a glint at her side and shrieked. A knife. I reached for the note but was unable to detect its presence. My unsteady heartbeat reached my ears and blood boiled in my skin. I closed my eyes.

I waited for the knife. The knife in my back. But it never came! I opened my eyes and was utterly blinded by the intensity of the light.

I whipped my head around. There was no woman. No knife. No shadow. And no death. I blinked once. Twice. And let out a breath of oxygen.

Suddenly the lights flickered. My heart stammered in my chest. I looked up and saw Jess, almost, gliding towards me.

My imagery faulted. Instead of jess I saw the shadow woman. Then jess. Then the shadow woman. My vision switched between the two. They looked identical. Like twins. Like one person.

I cringed in my seat. My face more white than the cream wall opposite me. Shrinking back each step Jess took towards me. I couldn't move. My eyes the size of sources. Lightning struck. Thunder rolled off the skies tongue. Light flashed. It hit the ground around the shadow woman. She seemed unaffected by the Lightning or the rolling tongue of thunder. The batting of the rain; pounding on the windows. Her feet fastening her pace. My heart beat followed her fast beat. My hands sweating, crumpling in my lap. The back of my neck quickly becoming slick with sweat. My eyes wide with terror. My usual structured poster became rigid by the state of the shadow woman.

Jess. Shadow woman. Jess. The illusion was failing. My vision was failing. Whether it was from death or the night I knew not. Just that my eyes wouldn't open. That the wind pierced my fair skin.

I head a scream. It was so near. It reached my ears in seconds. My mouth agape and my eyes flung open by an unknown force. i realized the scream was being projected by my own vocal cords. The scream was coming from my mouth. The scream was mine.

The shadow woman. She was right in front of me. Her tiny frame. Her long ebony hair. Her pale skin against the dark. Her knife gleaming by her side. Her face unable to be seen. The night covering her face.

I put my white hands up to my ears. Drew them back and stared wide eyed at the blood on my hands. I could hear the drops of blood. The scratch of a table. The flared breathing of the woman in front of me.


"You have been watching your back I see. Master is pleased with you Lois... Master wishes for his name to not be mentioned. Master wishes; which way to say it? Master wishes for your death Lois. You are a pure teacher but not as pure as you might think; and master is most angry at your belief in light. Very angry. And master is not so kind to those who betray his darkness Lois. Not at all."

"I.... I.... Why me? I don't understand"

"Haha you wouldn't understand. Master is mysterious. Even I know not who or what he is." She laughed a forced laugh then looked me dead in the eye.
"Master told me to personally give you this envelope Lois"

"Open it when the night and I are gone. Fear me. Fear death."

The world swirled in front of my eyes. The scene changed... It was light. The shadow of sign "The coffee club" stretched across the table.

I blinked. I looked at my hands and shrieked. Blood. They were stained with blood. I tilted my head to the right and grabbed the envelope that the shadow woman gave to me.

Dearest Lois;
It has been ages since I first saw you. Your bright yellow shirt and your frilly skirt. My first thought; beautiful.
You see me every day, but you don't really see me at all.
Fear me Lois. Fear death.

I turned the note over...

Fear your master.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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