chapter twenty

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The sun was barely even up when Florence found herself knocking at Bonnie's door, Gregor standing silently beside her.

She had barely been able to sleep last night, excitement filling her to the very brim. This was everything she had wanted, handed to her on a silver platter. There was no more guilt; feeling like she was the obstacle holding Bonnie back from his dreams. It almost seemed to good to be true, really.

When Bonnie opened the door, it was clear he had been woken up. He was shirtless, hair sticking up in ways that made Florence long to comb them down. His cheeks were pink, eyes narrowed as he peered at whoever the fuck was knocking on his at door at such an ungodly hour.

Upon realizing it was Florence there, Bonnie's face eased into a happy grin, arms drawing around her waist and hoisting her up, making her erupt with giggles as he peppered kisses all over her face. Gregor watched with disdain, and when Bonnie noticed him, he rolled his eyes.

"Be nice," Florence chastised, her palms flat against Bonnie's chest, fingertips brushing his collarbones. "Dad asked him to accompany me on the way here."

Bonnie lifted a brow, settling Florence back onto her feet. "Your dad is speaking to you?"

Florence couldn't keep back her grin, arms winding around his neck as she leaned in close, kissing him softly. "Yes," she whispered, peering into his eyes. "I have good news. But you need to get dressed first, and get into contact with your father."

Bonnie kissed her cheek before releasing her, nodding his head. He spared Gregor a glance before looking back at Florence expectantly.

Florence turned. "Thank you for walking me here, Gregor," she said politely, taking Bonnie's hand and intertwining their fingers. "I'll be okay from here."

Gregor shook his head. "Your father said—"

She held up a hand. "My father asked you to make sure I got here safely," Florence explained, allowing Bonnie to tug her closer. "And I'm here, safe as I can be. Thank you, you can let my father know."

With gritted teeth, Gregor turned and left, while Bonnie took Florence in his arms, whisking her into the flat and closing the door behind them. He held her against the closed door, lips at her neck.

"I don't like him," Bonnie stated bluntly, kissing along her neck 'til he reached her jaw. "At all."

Florence leaned up to kiss him, pulling away as he tried to deepen it, a teasing grin on her face.

"He's not so bad," Florence defended, her hand cupping Bonnie's face as his jaw clenched. "I mean, you're definitely my favourite."

Quick as a mouse, Bonnie leaned down and sunk his teeth lightly but fiercely into Florence's shoulder, making her squeal and crumple, taking them both down to the ground. She found herself on top of him, a triumphant grin on her lips.

"I win," she said smugly, leaning down to kiss Bonnie properly, his hands coming to her neck, cupping her face against his. Florence pulled away slightly. "Can I tell you the good news, now?"

Bonnie gave her a sweet smile. "Please do."

Florence cleared her throat, sitting up straight as she did so, reaching into her coat pocket. Bonnie watched her movements with curious eyes, his arms folding behind his head.

"In my hands, I hold a gift," Florence said dramatically, pulling the folded sheet of paper out and fanning her face with it. "Bestowed to you upon Mr. Thomas Shelby, OBE."

Bonnie's brows lifted, his hand reaching for the paper. Florence lifted her hand out of his grasp just before he could snatch it from her.

"I, of course, require some type of payment if we are to complete this transaction," Florence said, clearing her throat. "A kiss, perhaps."

Bonnie couldn't help but laugh as he yanked her down to press their lips together for a short moment.


Florence shook her head, and before she could even realize what was happening, she was being flipped off of his hips, her back hitting the floor as she gasped, legs splitting to allow Bonnie to lie between them. He searched her eyes for any hesitancy, kissing her deeply when he found none.

"Satisfied?" Bonnie asked, kissing her softly once more before pulling away.

"Yes," Florence said breathlessly, blinking up at Bonnie with wide eyes and long lashes. "Can I get another, please?"

Bonnie grinned crookedly as he leaned down again. "Anything you fucking please, princess."

"Wait." They both paused. "I haven't even told you the best part, yet."

Bonnie sighed, hands gripping at her waist as he leaned back. "Go on, then. Let me hear it."

"Right, here it is," Florence said, reaching beside her where the form had fallen and handing it to Bonnie. "One completely legal registration form for a Mr. Bonnie Gold."

Bonnie's eyes widened as he opened the form, scanning the contents. The paper fluttered from his fingers.

"You got it?" Bonnie asked.

"I did."

She felt his smile when he leaned down to kiss her again, teeth clashing as they laughed, his lips pressing anywhere they could; her cheek, her chin, her forehead and, finally, her lips.

Truthfully, Florence could have spent all day laying there with Bonnie on top of her, but she soon remembered that they had places to be. "Bon, we have to go find your dad."

"I know where he is," Bonnie said simply, his kisses trailing sloppily down her neck. "He's with my sisters at the campsite."

"Well, then, we have to go get him," Florence responded, taking his face in her hands. "Alfie Solomons is coming from London with his fighter, Goliath. Dad expects us to be there."

Bonnie rose a brow, pushing himself to his knees, still cradled by Florence's thighs. "Does that mean you're ready to meet my sisters, then?"

Florence's eyes widened in fear. "What?"

Laughing, Bonnie grabbed Florence by the wrists and hoisted her up, taking her pouting face in his hands.

"Come on, little dove. No time to back out now."

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