Happy Birthday!

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--Patton's POV--

I arrived at Logan's house my wife was at work so i was going to Virgil and Romans joint birthday party. There real birthday is tomorrow. It still amazes me that they were born on the same day. I get out of the car and pick up Virgil and walk inside to Logan's house. I wasn't really a birthday party more like we bought mini cakes for our sons and were taking pictures of them smashing into cakes together. The kiddos would be one tomorrow time sure does fly.

"Salutations Patton, Virgil" Logan smiled at the small child in my arms. "Hi Logan." I wasn't gonna lie, Logan was good looking but we both have wives and he obviously isnt bisexual so why even think about it.

Virgil smiled and clapped at the mention of his name. Roman was sitting in a highchair his thumb in his mouth. I sat Virgil down in a highchair next to Roman's and walked over to Logan "Where's Luka?(his wife)" Logan looked at me and clears his throat "We are taking a break. She'll be over to see Roman tomorrow but she says that I'm to closed off." He shrugged slightly. Patton's eyes widened "I'm so sorry Logan we'll talk more after the boys go to bed for there nap." Logan nodded in response and went to the kitchen and grabbed the cakes for the boys one chocolate for Roman and one vanilla for Virgil and sets the cakes in front of the boys. I get my phone out and take pictures as the start 'eating' the cakes. Logan got out his camera and started taking pictures of the kids as well. They ended up even getting a photo of them holding hands for a second. Logan smiles and of course I squealed.

After the boys finished we gave them baths and laid them down for a nap. They immediately fell asleep. Logan went downstairs and made some tea and sat on the couch. I sat next to him.

--Logan POV--

Patton sits next to me I assume he wants to hear more about Luka and I "she said that I don't show enough emotion but she knows me and that I'm not one for sentiment" Patton nodded sympathetically. "So I suggested that we take a break so that she can rethink her feelings for me." I look at Patton. "Oh Logan" he hugged me I hesitated but hugged back "I'm fine Patton. I know my feelings towards her she just needs to learn her feelings for me." Patton nodded and freed me of his strangling hug. I smiled slightly. Patton sipped his tea. "I'm taking Amy to the doctor in two days." I looked over at Patton sadly the doctor was worried that she had breast cancer and with her illness records she's proven to have a weak immune system. I feel so bad for Patton and Amy you can tell he's scared and sad but keeps a smile on his face for Virgil. I place my hand on his shoulder "it's gonna be alright Pat no matter what you'll always have Virgil, Roman And I." He smiles slightly at this. He's such a good, caring cute... uh I mean good guy he doesn't deserve this neither does Amy.

--Patton's POV--

The boys wake up after an hour nap I pick up Virgil and Logan picks up Roman. "I should be going got lots of chores to do" I told Logan "okay Pat take care of yourself. Tell Amy I said Salutations." I giggle at Logan's word choice "okay I will" I go outside and put Virgil in his car seat and start driving home when we arrive I take him inside and kiss Amy's cheek "hi hun, Logan said Salu-something" Amy giggled and took Virgil from Pattons arms. "So how are Logan and Luka" I told her what Logan told me. She nodded "That's sad. I thought they would last forever." "Well you never know maybe all they need is a brake and they'll be love struck trends again" Amy smiles "one can hope." Virgil was playing with Amy's hair as she kisses his cheek she started to hum 'I can't help falling in love with you' I sang along with her humming we did that for a while until we decided that we should finally go to bed.

--Logan's POV--

I tucked Roman in and sat on the couch scrolling through my phone but not paying much attention to what I was scrolling through I couldn't stop thinking about Luka. What if she doesn't love me anymore. What if she never loved me. What if I'm not good enough. No Not what if. I'm not good enough for her. I have to be better. I'm a horrible husband for even suggesting that we take a brake. Why would I do that to her and to me. Why would I do that to Roman. I kept overthinking until I passed out from exhaustion.

That is the first part of More Than Friends? I hope you enjoyed and continue to read the rest of this story and find out what happens to Amy, what happens with Logan and Luka, and how does Patton turn out, and how do Virgil and Roman end up acting.🦵(Yes this is my favorite emoji)
Have a beautiful fantastic wondrous day Princes, Princesses and Non-Binary Royalty.

Word count:907

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