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ice cold whiskey swirls down my neck as i pour it from the tiny bottle... thick, crimson blood trickles down my nose, the whiskey numbing the stinging pain of my bruised up nose. the smooth newspaper lays between my thumb and finger as i search for a new band, i gently place the soft tissue again my nose for it to absorb all my problems. my red pen rasps against the page as i circle a guitarist, this is going to be harder than i thought...

slap. flesh meets my leather jacket,
"hey, that was badass dude."
my eyes trail up, leopard scrawny jeans for my eyes to meet and a kid trying to act chill.
"the show, not the nose..." he makes clear, "but... the nose is pretty badass too."
"the lead singer's an asshole." i mumble going back to the advert page in my newspaper.

"i know. i saw." he pauses, "hey, fuck him though. he deserved it." i sniff, expecting him to leave, "i got your poster on my wall." i snigger a little.
"take the fucking poster down man..." i pause, "london's over." the kids face, drops a little, almost disheartened.

"can i get you boys anything?" there was a sweet voice, she wasn't american, her accent was strong british... god that's hot. looking up my eyes are met with icy greens staring at me. pale skin was drizzled with tiny freckles along her nose and cheeks, rosey lips plump and cheek bones harsh.
"could you get me a jack and coke?" she gives a weak smile, a little nod. a white strand of hair falls from behind her ear, she carefully tucks it back. piercings were scattered up her ears. her hair was in a wavy bob from the slight drizzle outside, black hair shows little ringlets.
"and for you?" she turns to the kid, her voice was weak this time, but still sticky sweet.
"blueberry pancakes please." she smiles and nods, scribbling quickly on her notepad.

we went back to our discussion about my next band and how badass i wanted it to be. drumsticks are thrown between his fingers,
"that dude looks pretty cool." i smirk a little and look at him through my hair,
"do you carry those everywhere?" i ask, collecting ideas. sitting back in the booth, the leather of my jacket and the seat rub together. he does it some more, clearly showing off at this point,
"where'd you learn to do that?"
he smiles slightly in embarrassment,
"high school marching band." i nod, this kids pretty cool...


untying my apron, i place it in my locker, along with my name tag and my work clothes. i run my hands through my hair and sigh, makeup under my eyes from the night before. i slip my nose ring back in and grab my tips. doc martens trudge against the rubber flooring of the bar, walking past the customers I feel eyes burning into me, glancing over my shoulders i notice it to be the man I served earlier. he had a cheeky grin on his face, cheekbones harsh. i couldn't see his eyes from underneath his black hair, i gave him a weak smile and left.

the cold evening night cuts through my skin, burying my fingers deep into my black denim jacket to try and collect warm. numb fingers play with the plastic lighter, i slip a ciggy out of the cardboard box and light it. the warmth of the flame slightly warms my fingers. i crouch against the rough wall and pull my leopard denim skirt down. smoke illuminated by the dull street lights, loud laughter echoes down the street as a blonde haired man walks past me with a woman. i roll my eyes slightly,
"fucking whore..." i mumble under my breath, they both stop and look down on me, the man goes to say something but his groupie pulls him away.

feet scuff along the pavement, i keep my head in my lap as i take a puff of my fag. their feet stop at me, warmth of another body crouches next to me,
"do you have a lighter?" their voice was familiar, they were well spoken and their voice was deep and husky. handing them my purple piece of plastic, they ignite a fag.
"not a talker then?" they ask again, i giggle awkwardly and shrug,
"i suppose not," i pause and look up, my eyes meet with the man from the bar, "nikki sixx?" i ask with a faint smile, he gives me one back.
"that's me... no posters of london on your wall right?" he asks, I laugh a little and nod my head no,
"you're a bit shit really..." i say teasing, "i don't have any walls to hang a poster on." i mumble solemnly. nikki exhales and looks down the street,
"it's sad that you think i'm shit." sarcasm dripping in his words, "not that your homeless or anything... you're missing out on a badass base player." i scoff at him and shake my head,
"well aren't you a charmer?" my eyes are met with his, i couldn't make out the colour, it was too dark to see. a smirk was plastered on his face,
"many women would agree with that." he nudges me in the arm which makes me lose my balance. falling half heartedly on my ass, i push him back. not even a wobble from him. giggling slightly i place my legs out along the pavement.
"do you want to come for a drink?" looking at him, i nod yes...

sticky sweet {nikki sixx}Where stories live. Discover now