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"I couldn't get time off work. Can we postpone for a month?" Emma Kirk sat on a bench in the garden at the business park that housed her office talking to her husband on phone. She had been dreading this call because this was the third time, she was asking him to reschedule their family holiday.

"Come on Emma, can't you ever put your foot down?" Stanley Peterson said sounding exasperated. "I cannot change my dates anymore because I have meetings scheduled that are pivotal to my business. I guess Luke and I will go without you."

"You could be more flexible you are not employed...."

"I run my own business Emma, but not on your employer's schedule. I still don't get why you are bent on staying employed if you can't even get a few days off for your family."

"This is not about that Stan." Emma said.

"Well Luke and I will be gone for two weeks according to our plan; nothing changes and maybe when we get back you can go again with him if he will accept. I will see you at home." Stan said and hung up.

Emma sighed and looked at the Salad she had ordered for lunch. She suddenly did not feel hungry. There was no way Luke would accept to go on holiday with her. Her fifteen-year-old son was growing into his father. He was already into the business, spent all his free time playing golf with his dad unlike other teenagers. He was also identical to his father in his looks the only difference was that his skin was darker and his hair curly because Emma was of African origin while Stan was Caucasian. Between her son and husband Emma felt a little left out but she loved the bond and love between them.

"Hey Emma!"

She was pulled out of her musings by a cheery voice of Anne Winters. "Hey Anne," she said standing up. Anne was a hugger.

"I was hoping to catch you before you went back to work!" she said as she pulled away from the hug.

"Oh really?"

"Why yes Emma! I need Caribbean culinary expertise and you my beautiful soul-sister makes the best Caribbean food I have ever tasted."

Emma burst out laughing at that. Anne was her best friend. They met six years ago when Emma's company moved into the business park, but you would think they had grown up together. Anne's elder brother owned the business park and other businesses in the park. Anne was the general manager for the whole facility.

"Are you hosting a party, or will it be just you and me stuffing our faces?"

"You know how I keep talking about my elder brother, "Anne said excitedly "He is in town with his wife and daughter and I will be hosting them for lunch over the weekend and you are invited as my best friend and cook-mate. Stan and Luke should come too."

"Of course, I will come. But I will check about Stan and Luke they might have already set up some golfing appointment."

"Saturday, it's a date! "Anne chirped. "So, are you going to eat the salad?"

"Spoke to Stan and the appetite flew off."

"I will eat it." Anne said taking the salad. "What happened with Stan?"

"My boss asked me to reschedule my leave because of some delays in an acquisition we are working on. So, I asked him to postpone the family holiday and he said they would go without me."

"Oh, sorry about that" Anne said looking at her friend.

Both women were thirty-five years old though they looked much younger than their age, but Anne was never married and never had long term relationships. She said no matter what age; she would only get married when she meets her soulmate.

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