Chapter 2: My Speech To Third Graders

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Since I'm 17, I'm responsible to drive my siblings to school. I don't like to do it,  but I guess it ok. They always said Thank you and that's why I DO IT.
I arrived at school and there was a fight going on.
It was between Jasmine and Olivia. I know them each pretty well.
"Hey hey hey. What's going on?"
"She started it. She's telling that I don't belong because I'm a different color skin." said Jasmine.
"Well you are and obviously you see that there are mostly all whites here." said Olivia.
"Ok ok ok. She does belong here no matter what skin tone she is. Just think. What if she came up to you and said that if you were her. How would you feel? said Abbie.
"Bad, I guess. I'm sorry Jasmine." said Olivia.
"It's alright. Can we still be friends?" said Jasmine.
"Of course." said Olivia.
"Now, I have to go do my speech." said Abbie walking away.

Walks to the podium.
"Hello, My Name is Abbie Star. Downson High School has chosen me to give what we call the "Kindness Speech". It is a great honor to do this speech. I would like to start off by saying that everyone in this world is unique in their own way. No one is the same. Don't judge people who aren't the same color as you. We treat everyone will respect here at Downson. One last thing and you should always remember, you always be kind. Thank you."

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