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A strong guitar, fueled by a hearty bass line were what poured through the clunky headphones Chad wore. He did continuously work out throughout the year, whether it was time for basketball or not. Treadmills made that easy, especially if he could just pop over to the Bolton residence and use theirs until Troy returned for their scrimmage.

There was a lot on his mind. Though, this was usual for a high school student who had to worry about the upcoming pressures of senior year and picking a college. Fuck, Chad didn't even know what colleges he wanted to even consider yet. 

It was a lot of pressure. 

Chad turned off the treadmill a half mile early, stepping off and wiping his face with a towel. Fuck it, he and Troy could play tomorrow. Picking up his bag, board, and temporarily pausing his music, he shot Troy a text and left the house, sure to thank Mrs Bolton before he'd left. 

He'd skate back home, still hardly able to focus on any of his surroundings. There wasn't homework to do anymore, not with summer practically upon them. This time of the year, it was just waiting it out. For the final showdown, the final escape.

And Chad was ready to waste his entire summer in some fast food restaurant, trying to scrounge together some change to help him pay for...some sort of expense in his life. Who knew which one? There were too many starting to accumulate, and those weren't ever gonna go away. Not anytime soon, at least.

Work This Out (High School Musical)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt