Chapter One

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I was running. I can't remeber much and I have a headache, and my legs are burning, but I'm running and I'm running Hard.

I stopped for a moment to catch my breath. It felt like my lungs were on fire, my face was soaked in sweat, and my legs were bleeding all around from the thorns.

I made sure that if I knew where I was going, so if I ever needed to get back, I could. So I'm heading North.
Not "Northeast," or "Northwest." Instead, just North.

I keep running until I find a small creek. Oh how I yearn for a drop of water, a taste of meat. Anything. I wash my face off, but I don't drink.

I take a canaster of water for later, but I know that for now the waters is most likely contaminated.

I come to the conclusion that I need to find civilization. There has been nobody in sight for at least a 10 mile radius.

So, I continue running. Ignoring the pain, the thoughts, the burning. And before I realize, it's dark.

I found a big tree and opened up my backpack. I pulled out a flannel blanket, damn that thing is heavy, the small canaster of water I collected from the Creek, a bowl, and a shotgun.

I gathered some logs and kindling around my tree and set up a fire to keep warm over night. I boiled the water, let it cool down, and drank. I had never felt this good after drinking water.

It drowned any sensation of burnig in my lungs, it made the color of my skin turn back to normal and my headache go away. Water. It felt so refreshing and I cherished every drop.

I rummaged through my bag until I found m&m's, peanuts, and raisins. I put them all in a bag together and shook. And there it was, food. Trail mix.

I had read about it before in an book called "The Hiker's Guide to Success." I would say that is what I have missed the most from being away from home: reading. Expanding my knowledge.

When I finished eating I tended to the fire and got ready to sleep. I made sure my head was on the elevated part of the hill and used the backpack for a pillow. (Also in the "guide to sucess") I tucked the rifle under my arm and tried to sleep.

Then, before I knew it I was lost in thought. I couldn't believe what he's done. What he expected me to do. They think he's brillaint, but they will never see the truth. The truth about Gregory Illéa, my father.

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