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"You're sure these are going to work?" Shinsou asks Mei, glancing around at the shifting, massive crowd of fellow students around them. Most of them are paying no attention to Shinsou, Izuku, and Mei, instead focused on booing the 1-A representative. Mei, crouched down at Izuku's feet while she makes some last second adjustments to the antigrav shoes, just laughs.

"Of course they'll work, Hitochan!" She bounces back up on her feet, pushing up her goggles and gives him a thumbs up. Izuku is basically ignoring them to watch his new shoes light up, signalling that they're ready for use. "These shoes will reduce Izukkun's mass by 25%! And these-"

Here Mei gently slaps a sticker onto his cheek. She has a matching one on her arm, visible only because of her rolled up sleeves. Both of them are cats, with different colors to match their hair, and speech bubbles. Shinsou's says "Not awake enough 4 ur bullshit." which he actually agrees with. He's sure that Izuku has a matching one somewhere on him, even if he doesn't really need it.

"-Will connect us to the shoes, dropping our masses so Izukkun can carry us with ease!" Mei beams at them both, obviously very proud of her 'babies.' Shinsou has to admit they're impressive, so he gives her a tired thumbs up. Izuku looks up from the mini light show finally to pat her shoulder.

"Great work. We'll sweep them away." He praises, garnering a beam from her. Izuku, in the past few weeks, has shown that he's not great at vocalizing praise beyond simple 'good's or 'yes, like that's. He makes sure that Shinsou never feels neglected with only criticism, but Mei and Shinsou both agree that he needs work with expressing himself. Not that he has room to talk, really... "Shinsou? Ready?"

"This will be the easiest brainwash of my life." He assures with a smirk, reaching up to click the button that assembles his new voice changer. The tech clicks into place over his mouth just as Midnight starts counting down, and Shinsou nods to Izuku, who already has Mei lounging bridal style in his arms. He crouches a bit for Shinsou to get on his back, ignoring the looks the people are giving them, and taps his right heel again the ground twice.

"Two! Three!"

"PLUS?" Shinsou roars over the crowd, his voice filtering out of the mask to imitate All Might. He sees the man look around, bewildered, from the platform he and the other teachers are standing on.

"ULTRA!" A majority of the crowd of students cheers back, drowning out Midnight's cry of 'Go!' Shinsou and Mei smirk at each other as everyone who replied goes stock still.

"Clear a path, then stay back until we've cleared the first obstacle!" Shinsou orders loudly. They move to do so, a few snapping out of it when jostled by others, but it's enough for Izuku to start running, leaping forward with each step.

Almost as soon as they're through the gate, someone from the hero class ices the track, and the robots along with it. An outcry rises from the people who weren't brainwashed-mostly hero students, unsurprisingly-but Izuku takes the new obstacle in stride. Literally. He continues to rush forward, jumping at the last moment, launching the three of them up to the first robot's shoulder.

The hunk of metal creaks ominously as Izuku jumps to the next one, and Shinsou has a feeling that it's coming down soon. The thought doesn't seem to bother Mei, who whoops loudly as they cross the frozen first obstacle. There's a roar of 'Midoriya!' behind them, along with the sound of explosions, but Izuku doesn't seem bothered. He keeps jumping until they're to the second obstacle.

"Whoa, surprise take over by two general and one support kids!!" Present Mic shouts from his commentator box. When Shinsou looks up to the huge screens around the arena, he finds a close up of Izuku's face, a pleased, almost smug smirk curving his trainer's lips.

The second obstacle is child's play with the antigrav boots. There's no need for ropes when you can just jump from island to island. Shinsou can hear people catching up now, but that's to be expected. Their group isn't looking to be first in this race. They're just going for top ten, really.

"Minefield." Izuku calls suddenly, jerking his head towards the third obstacle. He continues to dash forward despite the new danger, though. Mei twists from looking over his and Shinsou's shoulders to scan the dirt field.

"On itttt!" She sings, pointing to a spot that doesn't blow up when Izuku jumps to it. With Mei directing him, their trio nears the finish line at a frankly terrifying speed. One student is already waiting past the end, staring at them with a blank face.

Izuku takes one more leaping step towards the finish line, then stops right before it.

"What are you doing?" Shinsou hisses at him. Izuku winks, taps off the boots, and casually strolls over the line. By the time he sets Mei down, then lets Shinsou slide off his back, the 1-A representative, the one with spikey hair and explosions, blasts across the finish line as well.

The crowd is screaming itself hoarse besides Present Mic at their win. Shinsou and Mei fist bump, though Izuku is focused on the hero class rep, who is storming his way.

"You bastard!" He yells, grabbing hold of the front of Izuku's gym uniform. Present Mic makes a comment about sportsmanship, which the pair ignore. Shinsou wonders if he should be ready to brainwash this prick, but Izuku grabs the rep's wrists and yanks, dislodging the grip on his clothes. Then he just reaches out and shoves the explosive blonde back. Surprised, he trips and falls over.

Izuku stares down at him for a moment, while Shinsou exchanges a concerned look with Mei. Then, Izuku's face twists into a vindictive sneer, which is the most emotion Shinsou has ever seen him portray of his own free will.

"Kiss my ass, Katsuki." He spits out. Katsuki gapes at him, and Izuku turns around to face Shinsou and Mei. Other finishers are starting to pour into the platform, dodging around the three of them.

They stare at each other.

"Anyway." Izuku says conversationally, like nothing has just occurred. "Shinsou, you're doing the next event without us, right? Good luck."

Shinsou puts an hand on his shoulder, which Izuku eyes with a little bit of disdain.

"Midoriya, you are a fucking conundrum." Shinsou announces solemnly. Mei barks out a laugh, and then all of them break, a trio of snickering second placers.

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