How You Like Me Now?

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Obi-Wan's PoV

Obi-Wan tried to listen. He really did. Yet he seemed to slip from one daydream to the next and it was beginning to get frustrating.

He was in the middle of a council session, Master Yoda and Windu not seated that far from him, yet he had no idea what was even being discussed.

Something that was completely out of character for him and he could only pray to the higher forces that no one - especially not Master Yoda or Windu - had noticed his impassive behavior as of late.

And it weren't just the council meetings, he had been completely distracted in for the past weeks.

Lately, he found himself more often than not enslaved by his straying thoughts and that to the most inconvenient of times.

As if that already hadn't been bad enough, there was still the matter of the nature of said thoughts.

Something he had deemed himself never capable of.

He was in all honesty lusting after his former padawan Anakin, his apparently overactive brain tormenting him with the most preposterous of fantasies.

It had all slowly started six months ago when Anakin had come back from his final knighting trial, the infamous padawan braid gone and in its stead luscious curls that fell down in waves towards the other man's collarbone, framing his former apprentice's face in a way that ... was deeply infuriating.

As if that wasn't ... distracting enough ... there was also that stupidly irritating - or should he say unfortunate - scar right next to the younger man's right eye that hadn't been there a couple of months before either.

Up to this date, Obi-Wan still hadn't had figured out how exactly Anakin had managed to obtain it on his knighting solo mission in the first place.

Nonetheless, it seemed just to add to the handsome, rogue look Anakin was so far going for with his hair—

But he was getting carried away.

Obi-Wan tried to shake himself out of it.

This was hardly the time nor the place.

He needed to focus.

He could consider himself lucky that Anakin hadn't been permitted into the council yet.

He could hardly concentrate as it was.

No need to make his job even harder.

Sighing heavily, Obi-Wan tried to redirect his attention back to the council meeting in front of him for the hundreds of times today.

When the time finally came where the meeting was called to an end and everyone was being dismissed - thank the Force - Obi-Wan still didn't know what had been the topic at all.


Leaning against the entrance to the training halls, Obi-Wan watched as a shirtless Anakin fought against one of the older knights.

Why Obi-Wan was doing this to himself, he didn't know.

It was not like he needed any more temptation, yet he couldn't seem to drag his eyes away.

He was quite literally frozen by the sight of his former apprentice's muscles moving and constricting, a thin layer of sweat making them seemingly glow.

The slight flush on his former padawan's cheeks, as he continued to fight with a precision and ferocity that searched for its equal, was only adding to the overall almost ... sinful ... sight.

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