(New Chapter 8) -25 to life

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I had to do a new chapter 8 I could tell y'all wasn't feeling it and nether was I so here goes some of it is the same but there's a big twist at the end so be ready to vote and comment HAPPY THANKSGIVING YOU GUYS ❤️❤️😍😊😜 AND MAKE SURE YOU CHECK OUT MY NEW STORY WITH DIGGY SIMMONS AND AUGUST 😍😍😍😍😜 PLEASE I NEED YALL SUPPORT

You stare in shock "what are you doing here?"

"It's Brooklyn's birthday I wanted to stop by"

You look over and nudge Tremaine who hadn't taken his eyes off your father

"You mind if I come in?" He ask stepping in the house

Trey put his hand up "actually I do mind"

"Trey stop" you mumble

"Nah baby he need to turn around and get to steppin"

"With all do respect trey this is my house"

"This ain't been your house for 8 plus years" trey spat back

"I'm just here to make things right between my daughter and my son this has nothing to do with you"

"Do to the fact he is my son by law it has everything to do with me and you don't have to worry about your daughter she is in good hands"

Your dad looks over at you "what the hell does he mean his son by law??"

You sigh "A few months ago we did the paper work Brooklyn is a Neverson now"

"So you just gave away my name like I ain't shit"

"You ain't shit nigga"

"TREMAINE PLEASE" he opened his mouth to say something but took a deep breath and stopped himself

"Look dad you've been gone for 8 years you didn't even stick around for Brooklyn to be born ok so get the hell off my doorstep with this we are just fine without you"

He sighed "can I talk to you please.. Alone"

You look back at trey and nod stepping on to the front porch trey slowly shuts the door behind you making sure to leave it cracked

You cross your arms over your chest "what?"

"Please forgive me I didn't mean for any of this to happen"

Your eyes begin to water "I'm not mad at you anymore dad, for years I was bitter for years I was angry but when I kicked mom out all I had was Brooklyn he made me laugh he made me smile and he showed me that I have nothing to be angry about all I needed was him"

Your voice cracks as tears start rolling down your face

"C-an yo-u believe that an 8 year old showed me what it feels like to be loved an 8 year old"

"Baby girl I'm so sorry I put you through this I want to make it right I want to help you"

You wipe the non stop tears from your face


"I want to fix this"


"Because I've learned from my mistakes I want to be in my kids life"

"It's to late we're not kids anymore"

He sighed and kissed your forehead "I love you if you need anything you know where to find me"

You quickly go inside knowing trey was behind the door you break down on his chest

He's Just A Thug: A Trey Songz And August Alsina Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now