Chapter 1

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Every morning, my name will be the first word I hear.

"What mom? You know I'll go down no matter what." 

"I'm just making sure that you're awake. That's all. Don't want you to be late to school."

"Sure, sure. For your information, I am awake every time you call my name and I'll get down in 10 minutes."

I never actually am awake every time my mother calls my name. I was just trying to sound, mmmm... You know what I mean. I quickly went to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, and ran back to my bedroom. You see, my room is probably the only room in the house WITHOUT a bathroom. Well, running down the hallway to the bathroom and back to my bedroom can count as a morning jog. That probably proves that I'm much more healthier than my other siblings. I walked to my closet and took out a pair of pink skinny jeans and white tank top. I ran down the stairs and almost tumbled down. I went to the dining room and sat down with Jake. I said "Good morning" to mom, dad, Lily and Jake while wondering where is Reece. 

"Jakey, where did Reece go?" I asked Jake with a sweet smile. I love Jake! He's adorable!

"Don't call me Jakey. I'm nine and Jakey is a five year old name," he said frowning.

"Fine. Fine. Jake, where's Reece?" I asked with a serious look on my face.

"He's still in the room."

With Reece in his room, I was pretty happy. Every time we sit down facing each other, he would make fun of how casual I wear and suggested I wear a dress instead. I was happily enjoying my delicious waffles made by my wonderful mother, when Reece came down. I glared at him while he smirked at me. I quickly finished my waffles and put the plates into the sink before Reece and I would get into another fight. I waited for Reece and Lily to finish their breakfast so we can get going.  As soon as I turned on the tv, Reece and Lily were done. So, I went to take my converse and waited at Reece's car. 

"Stace, would you like to join us to the mall after school?" asked Lily.

"Nahh... I would rather stay at home and enjoy Wattpad" and winked.

"Stace, oh, Stace. Why don't you like to go shopping? Try to be more girly" Reece suddenly said.

Without saying anything, I hit Reece on the shoulder and waited in the car. Soon, Reece and Lily went in the car and Reece started driving. Lily and I were talking about how pathetic high school players are when Reece cut us off.

"Please, I have feelings. Try to not offend me with your words." 

Lily and I exchanged glances and looked confused. When Reece saw our expressions, he rolled his eyes but didn't say a word. After a few seconds of silence, I understood what did Reece mean. 

"Lil, he means that since our brother here, is a school player, he is offended by our little conversation here." Lily then nodded. There was a long silence after that until I started to mention about our family dinner next Tuesday. 

"I'm not really sure about that, but I thought that we were told to wear something formal, Stace?" 

"Sure, whatever." Looking at Lily, I decided to go to the mall with Lily after school. 

"Lil, I'll go to the mall with you guys after school. I need to get a dress before mom helps me buy one that I probably won't enjoy wearing."

"That's right, Stace!" Lily shouted while Reece smirked and said, "Stace, since you're going, I'm going too. Gotta get a tuxedo if you don't mind." I just rolled my eyes and stared out the window.

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