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First chapter is finally here, Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes.


Do not associate with those disgusting humans from Nightfall, it will bring bad upon our name and your place as the future king.

Those were the exact words spoken to me by my parents many times during my childhood, yet here I am, looking at the so called prince sleeping peacefully in his bed through one of the castles windows.

Most would call this stalking—and that's completely true. I mean, how could you not be attracted to someone who looks like a goddess, a very.. short but cute goddess.

But I gotta say, for this being one of the most important kingdoms here they have really shitty guards. I mean, who doesn't see a 6'4 male wearing a red plaid shirt and royal blue jeans with obvious red combat boots.

I mean, it's not the normal thing you'd see a king wear, but fuck traditions. Being comfortable is more important then being stuck in some overly tight clothes for the rest of my life. And I'd rather keep my crown at my own kingdom then to wear it all day and mess up my hair.

Anyways, back to the prince. I've never seen someone sleep so beautifully and peacefully. His light blue hair rests perfectly above his feline-like eyes, his pink lips formed into a natural pout which just looks so kissable—Wow I sound like some type of love-struck person in a fan fiction. Gross.

A light shines on me and I hiss, not from pain but from the fact they shone it to where it's directly in my eye.

"Hey, who are you?!" The guard yelled at me and I took one more glance towards the sleeping prince before I fly back to my own kingdom.

As I head back to the kingdom I stop by a treehouse near the forest, the home of a childhood friend of mine. Since one window was open, I fly through it and was instantly hit on the face with a shoe.

"Ow! Jimin, what the fuck?" I groan and rub the spot the shoe hit while glaring at the blonde headed male who just smiled cheekily.

"Sorry, thought you were someone else." He grabbed his shoe and put it on his foot.

"yeah yeah, whatever. anyways, do you know where my guitar is?" I ask as I glance around the room we're currently in. "Mhm! You left it here the last time you came to visit, soooo I put it under my bed for safety!" He says proudly as he basically skipped over to his bed.

"Safety? What's keeping you safe by putting my guitar under your bed?" "Because if something happened to it then you would probably suck every drop of blood out of my body.." He said in a somewhat quiet tone but I could hear him clearly. "I wouldn't do that. Well, honestly I probably would but only if it was someone else. Can't kill my childhood friend."

He handed me my guitar and we both started a conversation.

"So, you still doing the whole stalking-the-prince-of-nightfall-even-though-you-are-1003-years-old thing?" he asked as he plopped down onto the giant bean bag chair. "Don't remind me of my age, I still see myself as being 23." I huffed.  "That doesn't answer my question."

"Yeah. I was actually at his castle before I came here since I was caught and it's not stalking, it's just research.." I say the last part a bit quieter but of course he hears it.

"Dude, stalking the prince- let alone the Prince of your kingdoms enemy, isn't just research. You obviously have some sort of attraction to him specifically." He states in a matter-of-fact tone. "Whatever. I should probably go back to the kingdom, you know how my parents get."

I could basically see the shiver run up his spine at the mention of my parents , which is understandable since the last time they'd met it didn't go well. At all.

We exchanged goodbye's before I left the treehouse and went to my kingdom, and as always there's hundreds of guards at the front entrance that makes the castle look more like a prison then what it actually is.

All the guards bow and let me through, the familiar black, red, white, purple, and grey colors of the inside give the place it's usual, not so welcoming feeling.

I made my way to my own room, nothing much than a big room with a bed, a few lamps, a fireplace, a rug, a closet, and a window that opens to a balcony.

The room is big enough to remind me how lonly I am every time I step inside of it.

I sighed and went to my closet and slipped into some random pajamas, neither parts of them matching with each other.

I then sit on my bed with my guitar and play a random song with the thought of that prince lingering somewhere in my mind.


I wake up to someone shaking me awake, I smack whoever's hands they were and rolled over to my side and tried to fall back into my peaceful sleep but whoever the hell this is won't let me so I sit up with barley opened eyes, my hair sticking out in many diffrent directions.

"Wake up sleeping beauty- wait, no, let me refrase that, sleeping beauty number two. I'm always number one." The unknown person said.

I finally fully open my eyes and when I see who it is I groan and lay back down, pulling the covers up over my head. "Go away, Seokjin. I need sleep." I say but he probably couldn't hear me well through the blankets.

I could basically feel him roll his eyes. "The king and queen sent me to wake you up, so get your lazy ass up and get dressed." He attempted to pull the covers off of me but I held a tight grip on the covers as I continued to sheild myself from having to leave the comfort of my bed.

After a while he finally gives up with a sigh. "Fine. I'll just go and tell them to come in here." My eyes shot open and I kicked the covers off of myself and I nearly kill myself by jumping off the bed and running to the closet.

"For a prince, you act like a avarage eighteen year old." Seokjin said but I decided to ignore it because fuck other peoples opinions, I am Min. Fucking. Yoongi. I'm a genius and can do whatever I want without him bossing me around more then my own parents do.

I put on my usual outfit, all white and obviously expensive clothes with my crown that has a moon in the center without diamonds and crystals decorating it as well.

Soon enough I finished getting dressed and followed Seokjin as he lead me to the throne room where my parents usually are most of the time.

Once we arrive my parents are seated at their thrones but there was a girl with them, I would say she was pretty but honestly I've seen better.

"Good morning Yoongi," My father started off. "We would like you to meet princess Nana, or Im Jin-ah. Her parents want her and you to get married." He says and I look at this, 'Nana' person then back at him and with no second thought I give him my answer.


[Not proofread]

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