Saved Each Other

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It’s a rainy day with the chills outside the library, I have been working here for the last seven months and for three months there is a man who comes only during my shifts, it’s like he knows when I get in and when I get off.

And from what I hear, he only comes when I am working but when I am off, he doesn’t come. Today is no different, he just came in an hour earlier, I would like to approach him but I don’t know how.

I want to ask why he keeps coming and sitting at the specific place or side that I work at daily but something is holding me back.

“Gracie, go and talk to him, take the books with you and start a conversation, maybe you will find out who he is and why he keeps coming here especially during your shifts honey.” Mrs. Smith whispers behind me.

“No don’t do it Gracie, you can never know maybe he’s little Mr. Stalker face.” Anna, my friend whispers next to us.

Mrs. Smith and I laughs at her in hush voices. “How do you reckon?” She makes a funny face at me. “Just be careful girl, you can never know.”

We turn towards his direction and I see a scar on his chin and his arm. ‘Don’t he feel the cold, it’s cold outside and even here a bit. The community library don’t generate a lot of money but it assist student and local people who loves to read and the government see it fit that it keeps running forever.

I feel like I have seen him somewhere other than the library. “Well he’s a James Bond of the library, it’s cold yet he has taken his jacket off. I can ask someone to investigate him.” Mrs. Smith informed me.

“No not yet, wait until I speak to him. I don’t want you to go through all the trouble for nothing.” She smiles at my answer and goes back to the counter when someone enters the library.

Anna's grin spread across her face as she tries to pull me towards the guy but she stops as the guy looks up towards us. It’s like  his gaze is freezing us in the spot. “Okay, I get it not today.” Mrs. Smith’s laughing at us.
“I told you, Anna.” She snickers at me as we go back to our duties before we get in trouble with the manager Mr. Mabasa. He’s tough and strict but a good person.

“Spying on your stalker again child?” I nearly jump out of my skin as Mr. Mabasa whispers behind me.

“Oh God! You scared me.” I whisper back at him while holding my hand on my chest.

“And no, I’m not. Mrs. Smith thinks it’s better to approach him and strike a conversation but I don’t know how. Beside I feel like I have seen him somewhere other than here.” I inform him.

“So how will you know for sure if you just keep creeping on him behind the selves? Do you think answers will come like that?” Mr. Mabasa chirps in his two cent, and I think he’s right but I just shrugs it off.

“Some other time sir, not today. You know I’m not good with starting a conversation.” He laughs at my reason while nodding at me. I start packing the books on the selves in it’s orders.


It has been three days since the encounter with my colleagues pushing me to speak to the guy but I can’t. I am busy packing books at the counter that were returned earlier today. “Good afternoon I am looking for this books but I can’t seem to them.” I look up to see the man who has been taunting me for months.

I just stare at him for few seconds, I hear a stifle laugh behind a shelf, I know it’s Anna. “Umm….sure let me check them for you.” He gives me a paper, I check the books on the system if they are available.

“Do you mind terribly if I ask you something weird.” I say looking him straight in the eyes, the corner of his mouth twitches a bit like he wants to smile.

“Sure.” He answers me, this voice is not new to me but where have I heard it before?

“Have we met before like somewhere other than here?” I ask him, he just stare at me for few seconds.

“I don’t know Ms……maybe in your dreams.” He smirks a bit. If I am not at work right now, I could have slapped the smug off his face. His face changes drastically when he sees my serious one.

“I’m sorry Miss for my sense of humour, I don’t think so but thanks for asking. May I have my books please.” He says and I hand him the two books from underneath the counter. We stare at each other for some time, he clears his throat and goes to sit on his same spot. He smiles at me for the last time.

“So did you ask him?” Again I nearly jump out of my skin, Anna and Mrs. Smith are standing behind me.

“Guys what did I say about sneaking on me like that?” I whisper back at them.

“And I asked him if we have met before and he said no. So let’s just drop it okay.”

The whole day he has been sitting on the same spot, during lunch he went outside and came back in an hour again. Whatever he’s reading must be interesting that he came back in. Looking up, he’s no where to be found. Maybe he left, he seems like a mysterious you can’t even know how to read.

I walk up to his spot to collect his books but something catches my eye. A small fold of paper, I look around the library and outside through the windows. Written the mystery hero of mine who works at Soweto's community library.

Dear Gracie

I know you must be wondering how I know your name, well I have known your name for eight months. One day I woke up with the thoughts of quitting my job since I thought I was not making enough money as a rookie forgetting the real reason I took a decision to be the person I was. My friends I went to school with and some who dropped out where making a lot of money, so on my way to join their gang of being the big dogs, something caught my eye.

There was a smoke coming from 56 Platinum Street. It was then that I realized it was fire coming from one house on that street, I then again realized my true calling, a fire fighter. I called back up and ran towards that house. It was already in flames and a lot of people were afraid of coming in to help but I called some men to help, the most of the things were already in flames but when I got to your room, you had covered you mouth and nose with a cloth. I might have gotten a scar or two from that fire but your life is precious and you have saved me from the worst mistake of my life, you may think I saved you but you saved me. By the way I heard your name from your neighbors when I came in to the house. By the way my name is Lucas and I am a firefighter. So coming to the library I wanted to thank you for saving me, you are my savior, Gracie.

Yours sincerely

“No freaking way.” I say while putting a hand on my mouth, tears running down my cheeks. No way, I remember now the guy whose arm was burned and his chin was stabbed by a stick from the broken door of my room.

How can I forget my hero of that night, who saved my life, he save me as well and I saw him for this long. Wow life can surprise you sometimes. He’s calling me his hero while I have longed to thank the person who saved my life.

Mrs. Smith, Mr. Mabasa and Anna approaches me. Anna hugs me from behind. “Are you okay?” I smile as I look at them.

“I guess we saved each other, you are my hero too Lucas.” Mr. Mabasa smiles at me while Mrs. Smith looks shocked.

“He’s the man who saved me from the fired that night eight months back.” I inform them.

“So now you know honey.” Mrs. Smith chirps happily. They all hug me one by one. “So why did he leave without telling you as it is?” Anna asks while staring at me. “Because I saved him as well.” Mr. Mabasa smiles.

“Meaning you saved him and he saved you?” he asks. “Yes, from his letter…I guess indeed we saved each other.”

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