CHAPTER 3 (The Festival of Tronco Dia)

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    The next day a carriage was traveling away from the HighTower and the feline harvesters in the Royal Beet Fields immediately stopped their work and fell to their knees in a sign of respect. Behind the carriage was a long line of villagers following, they were dressed in color combinations of beet-red and beige. The more fortunate citizens were riding in slow mechanized carts and the less fortunate were riding any creature or animal. Earlier, Hubert had paid to ride a hog when they passed through the village of Peasantville.

   But since then, Hubert chose to sit on the very top level of the Royal Carriage rather than below with his parents. The inside of the vehicle was built with two interior benches where Albeasa and Faran lounged. There was one driver at the front of the carriage, a hairless animal who was not a servant, but a FreeFeline. His name was Burrito and he was driving a team of four Royal-Red-Galgos, a species of oversized dogs pulling the carriage.

    Burrito had a very deep voice for a feline and was momentarily explaining galgos to CrackerJacque. "When the Iberian colonists arrived on our island they brought no animals to pull their carriages and that was when their normal size dogs were bred to be much bigger. Throughout the seven kingdoms and most of the nearby islands you can find both sizes of galgo dog. These galgos are not as physically strong as other animals their size, but much quicker, particularly when ridden by a solo rider. Were you aware that galgos are considered sacred and any owner found harming or abandoning a galgo will automatically be sentenced to lose their head?"

    CrackerJacque rose off the bench in frustration. "Burrito, I thought you would stay silent and let me share my problems but instead you have only been rambling about galgo dogs." He patted the hairless feline on the shoulder then climbed up on the roof to join Hubert and Dorcirca.

    At the same time the carriage was now approaching the Whispering Wall that encircled the inner part of the kingdom. The caballeros in the towers of the wall recognized the Royal Carriage of their human masters and horns were blown to open the El-Gato Gate. The rusty doors were creaking on their hinges when pushed open and more eager citizens would continue to join the procession as the caravan made its way across the Kingdom of Hubertus.

    Farther they traveled from the Whispering Wall the carriage ride became bumpier as the road transitioned from maroon brick to dirt. These disturbances were causing Dorcirca to struggle in organizing her stack of cards. "Do you have something to share Master Hubert?" She suspiciously asked him. "Because I am busy preparing the holiday cards you were supposed to have completed weeks ago." She also pointed at CrackerJacque. "And you were supposed to remind him."

    Hubert put his hand over his chest. "In this moment I was thinking how lucky I am to have such a caring CastleKeeper."

She was trying to look away but started to grin.

    CrackerJacque sat up."CastleKeeper Dorcirca, would you grant us a favor and pull back your hair, so we can admire your eyes. Are they the color of yellow?"

    She was too familiar with their charms and dropped the issue of the holiday cards. "Are both of you excited to celebrate your first Tronco Dia?"

    "No, but it sounds better than last year when we spent the entire Winter Holiday Season in the dungeons." CrackerJacque answered.

   Hubert dramatically raised his arms and shouted. "Today is December 2ndst and I am celebrating my first Tronco Dia. The colorful leaves are falling, a mist covers the branches, and the sun warms my face. But my most favorite part is traveling with two of my favorite people, and I am not talking about them." He was pointing a finger downward.

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