41- "Changes over time."

626 34 39

Soft music ringed through her ears as soon as she plugged her earphones on. She began tapping her fingers to her lap and started mouthing the lyrics, simply enjoying the song. This young woman was seated in the bus which was heading off to Chandigarh.

Her moment of bliss was shortlived as she was interrupted by the conductor asking for her ticket.

"Here-" Ashima said, as she took out the ticket from her purse pocket and showed it to the conductor. The conductor checked through the ticket and soon returned it, slightly nodding in her direction. Ashima then resumed the music playing on her I-phone and looked outside the window. The bus had reached the outskirts of Delhi.

Soon after she pushed her head back on the seat and fell asleep.

But she was interrupted yet again when her phone ringed.

"Yes, Lynda... I'm on my way... Blah, blah, blah, will you stop bothering me already? I was having such a peaceful nap, you know." She complained and yawned. "Ok, bye. See you soon." She said merrily and ended her call.

Ashima looked through the large glass window again getting lost in her thoughts. She was finally going to meet Lynda after a long time. They only met twice after the college farewell. Their last encounter was five months ago. Despite the distance, they always managed to get in touch through phone and messages. Time flies away just like that but within that time span, things change drastically.

Nostalgia washed over her and she felt the need to see it again. She open her handbag and took out what seemed like a golden envelope tied in a red thread. She untied the envelope and took out a golden card. She read the contents of the card, engraved in cursive letters for the fifth time, still finding it hard to believe it herself.




Navita uff Lynda




Saturday, 18th October,

Two thousand and fourteen.

Other details such as the venue, the dates and events were written at the bottom of the card. This was the wedding card, the engagement card was still kept neatly inside her purse. Right now she was heading off to their engagement which will take place after two days. What made her laugh was Lynda's name written after Navita. Ashima could very much imagine the trouble Lynda's parents had to go through when Lynda persuaded them to print her nickname in the card. Lynda's real name has always been Navita but she never liked it and thus renamed herself as Lynda. Unfortunately her nickname was only used in front of her friends and peers. Her relatives still called her Navita, much to her dismay. 

Lynda, the reserved girl who had little to do with the responsibilities of life, the one who barely took interest in anything beyond her work and her games is going to get married. And that too before any one of them.

Ashima was still finding it hard to believe but nonetheless, she was still happy for her.

Out of their group, Lynda was currently the most successful one. That goes without saying that she gets the highest salary. Her overall academic performance were good which made it easier to find her a job. She's currently working in ABC company which is responsible for making mobile apps and games. People over there were impressed by her ideas and knowledge and eventually she reached over the top. Today, she is the manager of one of the many teams that work under ABC. Ashima knew that she was a hard core gamer but didn't expected Lynda to make a carrier out of it. Her parents, almost everyone who knows her is proud of her. 

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