4-Denial's Not Just a River in Egypt

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TW: Anxiety Attack

Ring... Ring... Ring...

"Best friend!"

Kevin cringed and moved the phone a few inches from his ear to avoid the inevitable hearing loss that comes with speaking to Arnold. "Hey buddy. How are you?"

"Amazing! Me and Nickelback have been shopping around in Kampala all day, so that's how I'm able to call you. There's almost never any reception in the village, you know?" Arnold said. "What about you? How was your first day in your own apartment?"

He shrugged, then realized Arnold couldn't see him. "Fine, I had Connor help me move in," Kevin said. "Well, he offered, really. He's so helpful, don't you think?"

Arnold, for once, had nothing to say but an amused hum in agreement.

"Like, he was always the first to offer help to the villagers and other elders whenever they needed something. I honestly think Connor's the sweetest person I've ever met..." Kevin realized what he was doing and coughed awkwardly. "...or something."

Arnold picked up on his friend's uncharacteristic rambling, it seemed. "You're starting to sound like me when I talk about Naba."

Hey, at least he was self aware. Truthfully, it was pretty cute how Arnold would go on and on about his girlfriend like she was the greatest thing on Earth. Even though he used to make Kevin stay up way too late in Uganda, him being the only one who'd put up with all the gushing. It was okay. Naba and Arnold truly loved each other, and Arnold made sure everyone knew that fact.


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, Kev..." Arnold chuckled in a way that felt like it was taunting him. "If you think I don't know already, you really underestimate my intelligence. I may not have gotten good grades in school, but do you know how many detective shows I watched on TV growing up? Five, at least. And I always guessed who did it before—"

"Arnold! What. Are. You. Talking. About?"

The other quieted his voice—at least to whatever his own relative version of 'quiet' was. "I know you're in love with Connor."

If Kevin had been drinking anything at that moment, it would've made for a very picturesque spit-take. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Yeah, you don't do a very good job of hiding it, buddy. I think everyone knew you had the hots for our district leader. Poptarts told me he saw you lovingly staring into Connor's eyes while he was telling a story once, which is the cutest thing ever."

Okay, that wasn't Kevin's fault. Connor's eyes were just such a pretty, deep blue, and they got so wide with excitement when he was storytelling that it was inevitable Kevin would notice them. There's nothing wrong with admiring someone with nice e—that's not the point!

"No. That's—that's ridiculous. He's just..." Kevin stumbled. "I'm not even gay."

There was a pause and a stifled laugh from a feminine voice in the background, which he assumed to be Naba. Great. Let's have an audience.

"Sure you're not," Arnold said.

"Wh—I'm serious!"

"You're stuttering."

"Because I'm trying to wrap my head around what you're saying!" Kevin ran a hand through his hair exasperatedly.

Okay, even if he did like Connor like that—which he most certainly didn't. What an absurd assumption—saying he was in love would be a long shot, considering they never dated. And never will. Because the (almost) perfect Kevin Price, who had worked his whole life to be a model citizen in the eyes of Heavenly Father (and his parents, and the church), was not attracted to a man. No matter how unbelievably sweet or adorable or amazing that man happened to be.

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