CH 7 - A Deadly Proposal

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Almost choking on your OJ, you coughed for a few seconds, struggling to talk.

" want to have....a kid!?"

He laughed out loud.

"~Oh (Y/N). Your expression is one of pure terror. I can't be that repulsive?~*" He pouted slightly.

"No! You're very handsome, you'd probably make some cute babies..." You blinked, not meaning to say that out loud. "Wait, I's just ...."

A million things were processing through your mind at the exact same moment. Hisoka giggled at how flustered you were. You concentrated deeply trying to regain composure.

"Okay. Let me get this straight. You want to father a child, believing your power will be passed down?"


"Okay, what does that have to do with me?"

"~I know you spend a lot of time around plants but, humans need a mate in order to reproduce. Last time I checked.~"

The thought of you and Hisoka trying for a baby came to mind. Your cheeks stung as your face went red.

"~Oh don't get nervous, you're still simply a candidate. You still have to prove yourself worthy.~"

Rage flashed in your eyes. Again, his ugly arrogance reared his head. Just when you were starting to actually consider the possibility of being with him, you were reminded why it would never work. You tried to control your anger but it was difficult.

"Me!? Prove myself worthy? Just who the hell do you think you are Hisoka!?"

"~You know exactly who I am. And exactly what I'm capable of...~"

"Is that a threat?"

"~No...a warning. You should be honored. Many women would kill for this opportunity. ♥~" He smirked and sipped more tea.

"Go to hell Hisoka. I don't have to agree to any of this." You stood up, ready to leave this table and conversation altogether.

"~Oh? But you do....~"

"And why is that?"

Hisoka paused and in an instant shot you a glare that sent chills into the depths of your very soul.

"~Because I'll kill you if you don't.~"

And at that moment you knew he wasn't bluffing. And you knew he could if he wanted to.

"~You have one week to prepare. Then, I'll test you. Determine if you're powerful enough to be the mother of my children. And my wife. If not, you'll die in the testing process...~"

Fuck, I can't beat him. 

"I can flee. And you'll never find me."

Hisoka got up and walked past you towards the door.

"~I suppose you could leave...but we both know you won't..~"

He shut the door behind himself and just like that, he was gone.


"I don't know what to do Melody, it sounds like a horrible marriage arrangement."

You sat across from Melody at a cafe. You were so stressed out after having that conversation with Hisoka that you asked her to meet you for lunch. You needed to vent.

"Do you think you can beat him?"

"Not by a long shot."

"Well...he did give you time to train. You should take the opportunity. If Hisoka says he's going to fight someone he means it."

"You're right. If I am gonna die I might as well give it all I have."

"Do you really think he'll kill you?"

"Yes...but I came to terms with that when I first met heart hurts but it's not's almost like..."

"Heart break."


"Well...I remember when you first told me you knew Hisoka. After I had mentioned he was a new member of the phantom troupe. It was faint but your heart quickened with mention of his name. It sounded...happy. Slightly erratic. Almost like you were infatuated."

"Me!? Infatuated with that creep!?"

Melody smiled. "Even now I can still hear it. It's true. Your heart doesn't lie."

Your nostrils flared. She was right. But you'd never admit it.

"I won't force you to agree out loud but I am curious. Hisoka never gets close to anyone. And I don't think many people know much about him. How did you come to find yourself in love with him?"

You took a deep breath. Your eyes drifted as you recalled what happened at Heavens Arena.


     The next time you saw Hisoka was at Heaven's Arena, a little over a year after the exam. Seemingly by luck you walked in just in time to catch the end of Hisoka's fight with Gon Freeces  and overhear about his friend Killua Zoldyck. You were still angry about Hisoka ditching you back then, so you decided to enter and work your way up to fighting him also.  By this time you were skilled in nen so it wasn't hard. But you knew Hisoka wouldn't go quietly. Your mind flashed back to that fateful fight:

The two of you stood there in the arena, watching each other from afar. Hisoka smiled brightly while you scowled.

"~My beautiful (Y/N)! How'd you find me? I missed you. ♥~"

"I have nothing to say to you Hisoka!"

"~And why's that?~"

"Because you're a liar and an asshole!"

You charged in towards him with a flurry of kicks and punches, letting your anger get the best of you from he very beginning. You managed to get a few good licks in before he grabbed your wrists and held you up off the ground.

Hisoka smiled. "~I hurt your feelings didn't I? Poor thing. I'm sorry I led you on...don't take It personal.~"

You almost snarled with anger. "Shut up & fight me Hisoka."

He smirked, "~Very well. ♥~"

You swung your legs up and forward, kicking him in the chest and breaking his grip on you.

You landed away from him but you charged towards him again. He threw a few of his cards at you but since they were paper, it was easy for you to manipulate them into missing you entirely.

You both went into another flurry of punches kicks & blocks. You could tell he was holding back & it infuriated you. You jumped back, rethinking your plan.

His nen abilities were stronger than yours but for what you lacked there, you made up in speed and combat. You had managed to block most of his attacks while landing a few hits of your own. But it still wasn't enough.

"~Oh (Y/N) you've grown ♥. That nen is spectacular. You're really starting to make my mouth water....~"

He smiled and flicked his finger. You prepared yourself, you already knew this trick. Using your nen to rapidly grow plants and vines out of the ground and around your feet, you secured yourself. His bungee gum pulled you forward but your nen held you to the ground.


     Hisoka was surprised by your defense tactic. You took the opportunity to attack. The earth rumbled & shook beneath you as the crowd gasped and screamed. The ground began to crack beneath him as trees shot up from the floor. As he dodged them, disengaging his bungee gum, you jumped from tree to tree, edging closer and closer to him, you put a hand on your sword.

Once I unsheathe my katana, this is it. This is the final blow.

The Magician x The Empress (HisokaxReader)Where stories live. Discover now