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As promised here is my list of symptoms

- Toe pain, dislocation, and hyperflexibility (all toes)
- Ankle pain, and hyperflexibility (both ankles)
- Muscular pain in my calves (front and back both calves)
-Knee pain, dislocation, and hyperflexibility (both knees)
- Thigh pain (both thighs)
- Hip pain, dislocation, and hyperflexibility (both hips)
- Back pain and hyperflexibility (spine and muscular)
- Abdominal pain (left an right)
- Prone to Extreme Knots in my muscles (all muscles especially shoulder and arm)
- Rib pain and dislocation (primarily right side)
- Chest pain (sternum and heart)
- Collar bone pain and dislocation (both sides)
- Shoulder pain and dislocation (both sides)
- Elbow pain, dislocation, and hyperflexibility (both sides)
- Wrist pain and dislocation (both sides)
- Finger pain, dislocation, and hyperflexibility (all fingers)
- Neck pain (center back)
- Jaw pain and Dislocation
- Throat pain
- Eye pain
- Migraines
- Chronic Fatigue
- Constant light headedness
- Easy bruising
- Skin pain
- Muscular pain and weakness (all muscles)
- Poor Memory

I will add more symptoms as I remember them. Next post will be diet.

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