Tar Heels

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Georgia left for North Carolina in the middle of August, giving herself plenty time to get settled in before term started. She'd called Ellie countless times, went to see her countless times but she wasn't interested and in the end Georgia had taken the hint and given up.

Her parents had bought her all the necessities that they knew she would need for starting school, so she didn't have to worry about trying to stretch her money. She still calls Ellie's grandmother once a week, a promise that she cannot dream of ever breaking. She called Ellie once more, but it went straight to voicemail which confirmed her fears that she had indeed lost her best friend.

Still, Georgia kept her head held high as she Alessia and Lotte spent two weeks exploring Chapel Hill. Alessia and Lotte knew better than to push for answers on what happened with Ellie, they took a step back and gave the girls time to figure it out themselves.

Soon, Georgia started school, planning on double majoring in sports medicine and exercise science. She went home for Christmas, and her parents and brother would come over to watch games. Her summers back home were filled with days out with JP, family BBQs, and visiting Roebuck's (minus Ellie) as often as she could.

The next four years went by with Georgia helping her Tar Heels team in winning the championship for the last four years, receiving straight A's every semester and even making time to get close to her England National Team youth teammates who also played for The Tar Heels.

Before she knew it, graduation had come and gone. Her parents, JP, and the Roebuck's (minus Ellie as usual) had come over for the weekend to support her. She would never forget the feeling of accomplishment that came with walking across the stage with her two best friends to receive her diploma. She even flashed a cute pose for JP to capture before she exited and made a beeline for her awaiting support system. She even stayed in North Carolina for two extra weeks while clubs made her contract offers, but there was only one place she knew she belonged.


Much to Georgia's delight, Alessia and Lotte also got offers from Manchester City and before they all knew it they were house hunting in Manchester, not quite ready to be on their own.

But one thing Georgia knew, she was going home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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