Death is shy

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My wrists are always covered,

My shirt is oversize

Your verdict is that i'm trouble,

But you don't know what i fight inside

My scars only spell out failure,

You shake your head in pity, that's what i despise

Each day, the devil meets me in a taunting disguise

Cutting is not an excuse, it's the reason i survive

'How are you?'s the edge of sarcasm,

You know i'm always 'alright'

But what if i said i'm lying,

Would your mask slip, would you try?

Would you take another look at my fullsleeves?

Would you see through my lies?

Would you read my misery

In the scars i trace at night?

Or would you un-see the truth,

And go back to staring at the blank, blue sky?

Stare all you want, 

Whisper and taunt,

I'm never going to raise my voice

I'll always hang my head and walk

Through the empty corridors of a ruined life

You can't look into my eyes,

Where your sins are buried in plain sight

You say i've only myself to blame,

Have you taken a look inside?

I wasn't fat until you called me a pig,

I was pretty till you made me cry

I used to smile, once upon a time,

Not chasing demons, and  tripping on your lies

I built my walls with bitter blood,

My eyes are no longer alive

A blurred reflection is all i have,

And a dying hope to survive.

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