Nightmare - Sylvester

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In the elevator Melonie and I don't talk. I've tried chatting to her a few times but she's made it clear that she doesn't want to talk back and it's like trying to make conversation with a wall, or an Avox. You can do it, but it leaves you exhausted and feeling stupid. Especially when it's Melonie, who is all spikes and angles and who I could easily imagine killing somebody with her bare hands. She's alright, I don't dislike her, but she's someone I want to avoid in the arena.

The elevator is a reasonable size and it's a good job too because as well as us two there's the pair from Neon and some of my new allies: Titan, Columbia, Cas and Thalia. Caitlin isn't around, which is good because she unnerves me. She has this way of looking at you as though she's breaking you down into words, as if you're a news story rather than a person, and whenever she shows emotion she always exaggerates it a little. As Capitol mannerisms go it's not much but it makes me uncomfortable.

At the first floor Titan and Columbia both try to step out at the same time, collide with each other and then step back as hurriedly as if they've been burned, each of them looking very pointedly in a different direction. The Neon boy, the ginger-haired one who doesn't stand still, wolf-whistles and earns himself two fiercely angry glares. He just shrugs them off with a smile and as soon as the door has slid closed he turns to the rest of us and raises an eyebrow.

"What do you reckon to that, then?"

"They've been like that all day," I tell him, glad that someone feels like talking. "It's just nerves."

Cas snorts and makes a gesture that sends the Neon boy into hysterics: he forms a fist with one hand and pokes the thumb of the other into it. Melonie snickers and even Thalia, quiet and serious, allows herself a small chuckle. The insinuation is obvious and embarrassing but I laugh along anyway.

"It's Titan, what else would you expect?" That's the Neon girl and her tone is dry and mildly disapproving. I haven't noticed her before; she must have been staying out of the way, though her hair is tumbling out of its neat knot and her forehead is beaded with exercise. She spots me looking at her. "Katri Rankine. Neon sector."

"Sylvester Rosenthal, Quartz," I reply, putting out my hand for her to shake and making sure that I don't grip hers too hard. "Don't I know your name from somewhere?"

This is just to get her talking. I know that I know her name. The Rankines are one of the big names in event organising - which is still as big an industry as it ever was - and they're the people who planned the last Health+ party. Mom and Dad spoke very highly of them.

"You probably know my parents," she says. "They get a lot of big gigs. My father is a bouncer."

"Pick up any tricks from him?"

"I wouldn't tell you even if I had."

"I'm Cal Halfpenny, if anybody's interested," her sector partner interrupts. Melonie glares at him but I find myself liking him; he doesn't seem too bothered about where he is and why. That's a problem for another day.

The day after tomorrow, to be precise.

The elevator pings to say that we've reached the second floor. Thalia shuffles past everybody until she reaches the door, giving Cas and I a small secret smile even though her eyes are nervous.

"See you tomorrow."

"See you."

The doors slide closed again. Melonie yawns and stretches out her arms, nearly taking out Katri in the process. It's a fake yawn, but the movement draws attention to her unusual height and the wiry strength in her body. I know that I'm stronger than most - thanks to my parents and the rest of Health+ - but I wouldn't like to take her on. She looks like she'd fight dirty.

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