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I pulled up on Richmond Green, and looked across the grass to see Evelyn walking towards the car. I see her wave, and she waves back. Suddenly, all the men in black appear out of nowhere and surround her. All around her looks like different colours of lightning, like the spells in Harry Potter. I get out of the car to help her when I see Evelyn emerge just a fraction to shoot some lightning at me, and suddenly I’m paralysed. I can see Evelyn fighting. Three men are down but one still surrounds her. Unexpectedly, I hear her jeering at the men.

“Aww, four against one, I’m honoured that you think I’m that hard to take!”

“Yes. Miss Edwards. Renowned around the world for being the youngest duelling champion in Britain. And disabled as well. So high and mighty.” The man sneered.

“Well, I’ve already knocked out three of you, discounting my ‘disabilities’, so I doubt you are much of a challenge!”

“Then lets see. Official rules. “ The man stood straight. He gave the aura of a confident man, that was for sure. 

“Fine” Evelyn snarled, she then span so fast that it was a blur then bowed to the man. He copied her, then held his arm above him, as Evelyn’s was in front.

Then more coloured lightning for many minutes, until I heard the car door opening. Astrid and Tom rushed out through the now open car door. I willed my body to move but it refused. I saw Evelyn look up and notice the kids, and that was her downfall, she didn’t look away from the man,  but she seemed distracted, and so the man hit her with red lightning and she fell to the ground, her teeth clenched in an obvious effort not to scream.

“Aww, someone’s strong. Let’s…..up the power then?”

He twisted his arm, and Evelyn’s shaking increased. Still her mouth didn’t open. The man snarled, and twisted his arm even further, until Evelyn was almost vibrating. Suddenly her mouth opened a crack, then a small noise escaped, filled with extreme pain. If you took the pain of everyone in the world, then put it into one simple sound, that was what was heard. In a way, it hurt more than if she had screamed.

The man finally straightened his arm, and Evelyn relaxed. Her shaking continued, though.

“Miss Edwards, the famous blind duellist, reduced to a quivering mess at my feel. I like it so much I would take a picture!”

Inside, I was very confused. What was the man talking about? Evelyn wasn’t blind, and how did this man know her?

The man waved his arm and the other men that had been knocked out were stirring. They rose to their feet, and looked to the man who seemed to be the leader.

“Right someone bind her, and apparate her to the base. We’ll meet you there.” The leader man said.

Someone pointed their arm at Evelyn and she was wrapped in ropes. She didn’t appear to be conscious. The man picked her up roughly and grabbed her arm so she was nearly hanging like a ragdoll. At the last moment, she opened her eyes, and mouthed ‘I love you’. Then she was gone in a flash of light. 

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