Chapter 2: Levitate

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"Oh, I know how to levitate up off my feet, and ever since the seventh grade, I learned to fire-breathe. And though I feed on things that fell, you can learn to levitate with just a little help," Clarissa rapped quietly as she finished up her homework. "Learn to levitate with just a little help."

Just then, there was a knock on her door.

"Come in," Clarissa sighed.

"Nice way to greet your best friend," Teagan chuckled, stepping inside.

"Sorry," Clarissa muttered, flopping onto her back. "Homework will be the death of me."

"Okay," Teagan sighed, grabbing her friend's wrists and pulling her into a sitting position. "You need to get out of this funk. How about we go get milkshakes?"

"I'm not in the mood," Clarissa said quietly.

"Oh, dear best friend of mine," Teagan frowned, shaking her head. "When will you ever learn that I don't take no for an answer?"

Clarissa shrugged and flopped backward again, shoving a pillow over her face.

Teagan sighed and yanked the pillow roughly out from under her friend's arms before smacking her with it. "Get the heck out of bed or I'll make you!"

"No," Clarissa said flatly, sticking out her tongue.

"Fine. I guess we're going this the hard way," Teagan shrugged, grabbing her friend's wrists. She dragged Clarissa off of her bed, dropping her on the floor with a thump.

"Ow," Clarissa frowned, propping herself up on her elbows. "I hate you."

"Yeah, yeah. Get up," Teagan sighed, kicking her friend lightly in the side.

"Ow," Clarissa muttered, getting up off the floor. "Fine. Where are we going?"

"I was thinking maybe the diner down the street," Teagan suggested. "Your mom said you didn't have dinner."

"I was trying to finish my homework," Clarissa shrugged.

"Alright. Well, we should get going, don't you think?"

"I guess."

"Come on," Teagan sighed. "This mopey attitude isn't going to fly with me. I'm going to cheer you up if it's the last thing I do."

"Can't we just stay in and watch Phantom of the Opera?" Clarissa whined.

"No. You've seen that movie a thousand times. And no matter how many times you watch it, the ending will not change. Christine will still choose Raoul and the Phantom will disappear behind a mirror."

"That makes me sad," Clarissa pouted.

"But at least Gerard Butler looked hot doing it," Teagan smiled. "Come on. Let's go."

Clarissa grabbed her phone. "Alright," she sighed.

Teagan pulled her out the door and the two went to their favorite diner.

"So," Clarissa said, a small smile gracing her features as they sat down at a table, "did you see that huge orange stain on our math teacher's shirt?"

"Yes," Teagan chuckled. "I heard that he's a messy eater and had spilled his spaghetti all over his shirt during lunch."

"I heard that he spilled it on himself twice. The first time was when he was walking to the table where all the teachers sit and he tripped over his huge feet," Clarissa laughed.

"Oh, man. Did you notice how big those things were? I'm starting to wonder if they were even feet," Teagan snorted. "They're huge."

"Oh, and what's with that mustache?" Clarissa chuckled.

"I don't know. Is he trying to look like the Monopoly man?"

Clarissa laughed loudly. "Every time he looks at me, I half expect him to send me to jail or something. I always end up spending half the game in jail whenever you and I play Monopoly."

"That's because you're a sucky player," Teagan smiled.

"Can't argue with that," Clarissa chuckled.

Oh, I know how to levitate up off my feet.

And ever since the seventh grade, I learned to fire breathe.

And though I feed on things that fell,

You can learn to levitate with just a little help.

You can levitate with just a little help.

Welcome to Trench.

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