"What if I don't see it?" - Supercorp friendship

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Summary: Lena needs Kara's help with L-Corp's newest project and much to Alex's annoyance and Kara's surprise, she also happens to know about Supergirl's secret identity. 

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'Lena!' Kara Danvers greeted joyfully over the phone.

'Kara, hey. How are you?' The Luthor asked politely.

'I'm great. How about you? Is something wrong?' The reporter questioned worriedly.

'I'm fine, everything's okay. Are you busy right now?' The woman on the line inquired.

The Danvers sibling glanced at her sister who was sitting patiently on the other side of the kitchen table. 'Nop, I'm not doing anything important at this moment.'

Alex Danvers frowned and gave her an accusing look at her response.

'Perfect. I need your help with something, can you meet me somewhere? I'll send you the address,' Lena Luthor requested cryptically.

'Uh, sure. I'll see you soon,' the blonde agreed before the CEO ended their call. A minute later, her phone dinged with a new message from Lena: the promised address.

'Lena needs my help,' Kara announced as she prepared herself for the outing. 'Are you coming with or are you staying here?'

'First of all, thank you for prioritising your new friend over your lifelong best friend / sister. Your unimportant sister appreciates it,' the DEO agent told her with a sarcastic smile. 'Second of all, of course I'm coming. Need I remind you that she's a Luthor and underneath that pink shirt, you're wearing the same S your cousin wore when he sent Lena's brother to prison.'

'Both my parents lied to me about Krypton's fate and my aunt tried to kill me. Shouldn't I be the one with trust issues?' The Kryptonian remarked with a raised eyebrow as she straightened her jacket and opened the door.

'You would be if you weren't such an idealist,' the older sister retorted. 'You're welcome for having your back, by the way.'

'I'm not sure I should be thanking you for not trusting me,' Kara furrowed her brows and locked her apartment.

'I trust you,' Alex denied. 'You just have a tendency to see the good in people even when they have bad intentions.'

'Are you saying I'm bad for being an optimist and for believing humans can be good despite their history?' The Super wondered incredulously.

'No, of course not. I'm saying it's not realistic to... believe every person will end up choosing right over wrong, light over darkness,' the redhead tried to explain without offending her little sister.

The CatCo reporter let her words sink in as they walked down the stairs to the main hall. 'I think you should have hope,' she finally said when they stepped out onto the idle street. 'Everybody deserves a second chance and everyone needs someone to believe in them, in their goodness and their capabilities, and I do.'

'Superman gave Lex Luthor a second chance and look what a great idea that turned out to be. That sociopath almost destroyed the planet,' the governmental operative reminded pointedly before hailing a cab. 'Do you really think the Luthors deserve yet another chance to inflict harm upon others?'

'Hey, I thought we were flying there,' the superhero pouted, momentarily forgetting their conversation.

'No. Lena will get suspicious if you somehow manage to do a 20-minute drive in three minutes,' Alex lectured. 'That's why I'm coming with you. So you don't reveal your secret within one second of meeting her.'

'For the record, I don't like lying to her. It feels wrong,' the alien stated self-assuredly. 'Speaking of Luthors, I believe everyone should be judged on their own actions and Lena has done nothing but help the city and Supergirl. You can't lump her in with her brother and her mother just because she's a Luthor, Alex. That's like saying I'm a criminal because my Aunt Astra was. Or that I'm only a hero because Clark and I wear the same crest on our chest. You know how hard I've tried to get out of Superman's shadow. Now imagine having to get out of your murderous brother and cult-leading mother's shade. That doesn't sound like a fun, or an easy thing to do, right?'

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