Ryex??? - Counting

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I have no idea what the hell this is but I got bored so I thought why not write something - who needs to pack anyway.

Hope you enjoy?!


Rye took a deep breath - holding back his tears. Slowly he started to read.

There are only ten things in life that truly matter... this is my list:


Food is a great thing you know - don't over look how great food can be.


Peace and quite. Now I know what your thinking - Rye, you're never quite, you love to be loud! and you wouldn't be wrong but after a hard day of recording one part over and over again when you can't get it right - quite is all I need.


The moring sun when you go for a walk in the moring. Nothing really beats a nice long walk (or jog - depending on the day) in the moring. I've always said it - i'm a moring person so why not appreciate it in it's full glory.


Books are great - they allow you to escape into a different life. Make you think about new situations, turning you into different people and developing your outlook on life. Each character a new version of you - every book a new experience. 


Meaningfull conversations. You know the ones - late at night, in the dark, with best friends and loved ones. They real mean a lot to me. Talking about everything or nothing at all; they are a great way to end a perfect day.


The reason the fans love us so much. The music. I love being apart of something so big forthem- I know out there, there are many people who have found solace in our music and it has made my day/week/year- I don't know but thank you.

Nothing beats singing your heart out.


My friends. My band mates. My brothers. I wouldn't be here without them. It is because of them that I have made my dreams come true. I honestly couldn't ask for a better situation - without them I don't know if this dream would have ever been reachable 


The Rodies. None of this would have been possible without them. From finding just the two of us on YouTube to watching it develop into sold out tours and 3 eps. Without any single one of them this dream would not have been possible. For that I thank you.



Always have tea - it's like a rule of the universe or something. You can never beat a good cup of tea; in the moring, after a shower, during a shower - actually scratch that last one but anytime is tea time. It is the best way to relax and chill out. Always.


The right person. You know who i'm on about. The person that makes everything better. 

Every day out, every quite moment spent together, every morning in eachothers arms, every second in there company - not together but together, every conversation had, every music session spent sing my heart out or having a laugh, every instance where we are surrounded by the people we love and every cup of tea together. 

Without you they mean almost nothing to me. You are the one that makes my day brighter, you make me sing my heart out, you make me feel things that no one else has. It's like without I can't breath. 

10 things are on this list but you will always be my number 1, always remember that. Through thick and thin we have always been together, just us.  

Me and you.

Like many books I have read before, this is the cheesy ending, the one that everyone wishes for:

Andy Fowler

           I Love You!


Rye looked at the letter - hours of pouring his heart and soul into one piece of paper. He hoped it was worth it. As he stood up from the desk in the corner of the room, someone knocked on his door. 

Knock knock

"Hey - can I come in?" Rye nodded, folding the piece of paper into his back pocket. "It's time to go." Jack mumbled. 

Rye walked over to his mirror and played with the end of his tux, "I don't think i'm ready for this Jack." His fidgiting telling Jack he was nervous or upset - they both looked to same on Rye. 

"Come on man, it'll be okay." Rye started to tear up. Slowly Jack walked over and brought his friend into a hug, "It's okay man - stay strong."

There was a sudden loud noise outside of the room Brook then burst in through the closed door. "Come on mate, you know Andy would hate it-" He stopped mid sentence, looking around the room and at the two currently in the room he started to laugh. "Why do you look so sad man - be happy it's your wedding day!" Brook said with a smile. 

With that said Jack let go of Rye - straightend his tux and told him to get going, "Andy would kill you if you were late to your own wedding." Rye walked out of the room

Brook smiled at Jack and walked over to him, "Why'd he look so sad?" he questioned. Jack pushed Brook towards the door to follow Rye, Jack following behind him,

"I heard his vows, you are so gonna cry."


What did you think?

Leave a comment and tell me what other parings I should write for.

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