Part 2: Sloth

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A woman in whites and gentle blues sits on a park bench dozing quietly. Her grey candyfloss hair spreads out in a careless way over her face. A hazy mist surrounds her; the grass beneath the mist has wilted slightly and the trees surrounding the bench bend towards it as if trapped in a strange sort of sleep.

Clasping a balloon, a little girl in a tiny red jacket adorned with intricate buttons appears out of nowhere. Her alive green eyes are bordered with luscious brown eyelashes, all dancing in the gentle breeze. She spots the woman on the bench in her fairytale dress and runs over, giggling. But not for long. As soon as she crosses the border of trees, the mist lashes out and coils around her. Before long she is in a drowsy careless state. She looks up to the sky, all the young energy drained out of her. She curls up on the grond and daydreams, releasing her balloon.

The woman on the park bench appears to have sensed this. She opens her eyes, pushes the child out of her cirle of trees and settles down back to sleep.

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