Chapter 5: Taking what's mine

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Third persons' POV
After their dinner that night, they all went home with smile on their faces. But little did they know, someone is watching them.

Someones' POV
"Make sure that your information makes sense. " she said.

"You will like it. It looks like the clashers have someone special in their lives. " he said...

"What do you mean? " she asked.

"I followed them earlier and it seems like there is some love shit happening between the clashers and your past enemies. " he said.

"Past enemies you say. Do you mean those bitches? What are they called again? The bad geniuses~. How delusional. " she laughed, evilly. "Are you sure they really like them??? 'Cause the boys sure love to play around. " she said.

"Yeah, they look at them with sparkling and lovable eyes. How pathetic. I can't believe that they really like them. "He said, disgusted.

"Don't worry. We will make sure that they're lives will be like a living hell. "She said and they both laughed evilly.

Rileys' POV

Ring!!! Ring!!! Ring!!!!

I woke up because of my annoying alarm clock. I turned it off and took a quick shower. After that, i did my morning routine and went downstairs to eat breakfast...

"Hi, auntie. Goodmorning, grandma.. " i greeted them. My parents are both working overseas so they are the ones that is i am with...

"Morning, honey. Eat your breakfast now so that you won't be late for school." My grandma said.

"Yes, grandma" i finish up my breakfast and brushed my teeth. Fix my hair and ready to go. "I'm going now, bye everyone!!! " i shouted.

"Be careful on driving!!! "My auntie said.

"I will!!!! " i said ride my car which is a black and purple audi A3. I arrived in school 10 minutes after driving. I parked my car walked into our classroom. I saw julia sitting on her proper seat.

"Hey!!! What's up?? " i said.

"Ohhh.... Hey, have you seen the others?? " she asked.

"No, probably on their way... " i said. After that, the others arrived and seat with us.

"Hey, do you know that there is a new kid who transferred here. And its a boy!!!! " Kia said.

"Woahhh!!! Gossips are really your thing, isn't??? " Francine said.

"Hey, girls. How are you?? " Blanz asked.

"Doing good. " i said.

"Julia, do you know Shan Moral??? " Retzil asked her.

"Yeah, What about him?? " i said.

"Well, he transferred here and he will be are classmate... " Roger said and gave me peck on the forehead before sitting beside me.

"How did you know its him?? " Julia asked terrified.

"We bumped into him. God, his attitude is worst than anyone. He was the one who isn't looking in his way but instead, he insulted us.... Such a jerk!!! " Allen said, annoyed.

"What?!?!?!? "Julia shouted.

Julias' POV

"why?? What's the problem?? " Retzil asked me. I just shook my head.

"Nothing. " i said.

"Okay" he replied.


" okay, class. We have a new transferee. Come in, please introduce yourself.. " the teacher said. The girls started fangirling.

"Oh my god, he's so handsome"
"Ahhhh, so hot"

He smiled. "Hi everyone, my name is Shan Moral. And i transferred here to take back what's mine. " he said while looking at me, intently.

"Okay, Mr. Moral. Please take a seat. There's a vacant seat behind Ms. Ortega. You can seat there. " SHIT.

"Hey, babe. Miss me?? " he asked. I gave him a present that he will never forget. The middle finger.

"Oohhh, feisty are we?? " he said. The teacher started her discussion. Blah blah blah.....

"Okay, class. I need you to group yourselves into and you need act out one of the stories that we discussed. Its either the Ibong Adarna or Florante and Laura. So since you are 33 one group has 16 members and the other is 17. Okay.... Class dismissed. " she said and walked out of the room.

"So, wanna team up with us, girls?? " Blake asked...

"Sure" we all replied.

"Julia, can i talk to you for a minute?? " Shan asked me.

"Why?? What do you need to my girlfriend?? " Retzil asked, annoyed.

"I'm just gonna talk to her. " Shan replied, casually.

"Okay, if you're gonna talk to her i'm going too.. " Retzil said, sternly.

"We have nothing to talk about. " i said. He grabbed my hand and pull me towards the door but before anything someone grabbed my other hand.

"She said you two have nothing to talk about, so let go of her hand. " Retzil said.

"What if i don't want to?? " Shan said, challenging him.

"You don't want to? Fine. " Retzil pulled me and punched Shan in the face. Because of the force, Shan fall backward.

"Don't you ever touch Julia again, or else you'll receive more than that. Just go back to the place you came from, asshole. " he said. "Let's go guys" he said while pulling me. We walked to the canteen and ordered some snacks.

"Who the hell was that?? He acts like he is the king of the world!!! " Gavin said waving his hands in the air.

"Such an asshole. " Retzil murmured. "Julia, tell me honestly. Who is he?? " Retzil asked.

I sighed. "He's my ex crush. But he never liked me back so why the hell would he go here for no reason??? " i said.

Retzil sighed. "I know him too. " he said.

"What?? " Blanz said, confused.

"He's my brother. "

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