~Chapter Twenty-One~

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Yui laid on the sofa while Shu sat on the chair, Ayato and Kanato stood by Yui, while Yuki and Subaru leaned against the wall. Subaru had his arms around Yuki while she lent against his chest, wincing once in a while due to the pain she was getting from her body from when she fell down the stairs.

"is she really going to die?" Kanato asked, addressed to no one in particular, concerned if this really was the end of Yui.

"isn't there anyway?" Ayato asked, in reply to Kanato's question. He wants her to live more than anyone else. There was a small whole in Yui's dress, surrounded by blood from where Subaru's silver knife once was.

"there is, but it's incomplete," Reiji said, appearing in the room out of nowhere, making us all look over to him both curious and shocked. Incomplete? Reiji's has never come forward with an incomplete experiment. Yuki thought.

"Reiji what do you have?" Ayato asked hopeful. He was really hopeful that this project that Reiji had could possibly save Yui.

"this remedy will kill that woman once and for all," Reiji replied to Ayato, bluntly. His face was emotionless as always. In his hand was a small bottle filled with a purple liquid.

"it's unusual for you to come forward with an unfinished product," Ayato replied, slightly confused as to why Reiji came back with something unfinished. "what would make it complete?"

"I believe I need a piece of that woman," Reiji said. None of the brothers called her by her name, due to their disgust that they felt towards that woman.

"there's nothing left of her to use," Subaru said, tightening his grip on Yuki's waist a little, trying not to cause her anymore pain then she is already in.

"actually, I have something," Kanato confessed making all of us look over at him. He began to pull at Teddy, making a rip occur in his neck revealing a lot of stuffing. Kanato reached in a pulled out a fancy glass bottle. "I don't need it anymore."

Kanato walked over to Reiji and gave him the small bottle. Reiji added in what was in the bottle, which was a small amount of her blood, and shook it a little and moved it closer to his face, where the light reflected through it. The blood reacted with the project and change the colour from purple, to a light blue. Reiji smirked a little, meaning that it was now complete. Ayato smirked as well at Reiji's reaction.

"did it do the trick?" Ayato asked Reiji.

While this was happening, Laito and Ritcher were talking in a hidden room connected to Cordelia's old room where the dress she died in hung on a mannequin. Ritcher was surrounded by a pile of blood, his blood, while standing in front of the dress.

"never again will we let you or that woman, run our lives again," Laito said to Ritcher while he had his hand on his hip and an emotionless look on his face while he Was with Ritcher.

"we have an inescapable destiny," Ritcher replied, with blood pouring out of the side of his mouth and down his chin. He was smirking even with all of the pain he is going through. "if you didn't know that, I pity you."

"I guess this is it, dear uncle," Laito said, after Ritcher fell to the floor in pain. He looked up from the floor only to see Laito holding a lit lamp by his face with a smile on his face. Laito threw it on the floor at Ritcher's blood causing large flames to erupt around the room, destroying Cordelia's dress in the process.

"goodbye!" Laito said. Ritcher had a smirk on his face causing Laito to smile a little and slowly turn around and leave the room. "I hope you have a nice time in hell."

Laito left the room, leaving Ritcher to burn to a crisp with the room, killing him and everything that was left of Cordelia, once and for all. The door closing slowly, behind Laito, concealing the fire to just that one room.

Back in the room, the two bottles, Kanato's and Reiji's, were lying on the table, surrounded by small droplets of Reiji's conduction. Ayato leant down to Yui's limp body with the conduction in his mouth. Slowly, he gave Yui a kiss, making the liquid move from his mouth, into hers and down her throat, into her system.

He moved away from her and looked down at her, hoping something was going to happen. Moments pasts and nothing had happened making him lean down towards her again and looked at her, but this a more desperate look on his face.

"Yui..." Ayato said, hoping that his voice would wake her up, or have it help in anyway. Slowly, her eyes opened, showing her pink eyes, making us relieved that she was alive. She looked right into Ayato's eyes.

"Ayato?" she asked, her voice hoarse due to her being unconscious for so long and having nothing, but the experiment to drink.

"hi," Ayato replied, with a small smile on his face, one that wasn't that noticeable.

"I'm alive," Yui said while lifting her hand and looking at it, shocked that she was here after her attempting to kill herself to save the others. "what am I doing here?"

Still naive as always. Something I sure haven't missed at all and will never miss. Yuki thought, hearing Yui's question.

"you don't need to know that," Ayato replied, moving away from her a little, to give her more space to move about.

"you're all here," Yui said. She looked to the side and saw all of the brothers and Yuki looking at her, showing all of their usual expressions. Kanato had a small smile on his face, Reiji looked emotionless as always, Laito also had a small smile on his face, Shu had a straight face, but with his eyes open, Subaru looked deadpan, Yuki looked tired and in pain, and Ayato had a genuine smile on his face, knowing that Yui is okay. Yui sat up and lighting placed her hand around her throat.

"I'm so thirsty," Yui said.

I'm said to say... There might only be one more chapter of this book left. The next chapter should mainly be Yuki and Subaru, but I will give you a warning. POPCORN WILL BE NEEDED!!

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