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*One Year Before The Outbreak*

Full Name: Sawyer Anne Bolin

Alias: Varies

Background: Family assassinated by Viktor Glazkov, head of Russian splinter cell. The Russian Red Marks were originally Allies of the British Empire, working undercover in Moscow with the Russian Secret Government: Sekretnoye Pravitel'stvo. They were compromised and taken over by Glazkov. Bolin family were killed in a bombing along with other tourists, the youngest daughter was the only survivor.

She was taken as a child by Sekretnoye Pravitel'stvo, and trained as a child assassin for 4 years. At the age of 7 the subject was taken and held in MI6 headquarters, put through a Cleanse, and retrained as an ally for the British Empire.


Advanced Martial Arts and Weapon Training

Chameleon like tendencies, can blend to any persona.

Speaks several languages including: Spanish, French, Mandarin, Russian, German, English, Japanese, Italian, and Swahili.

Advanced Gymnastics

Level 4 Computer Skills

Other Notes:

Is well trained and obedient, good instincts, and can easily handle men twice her size.

Won't get emotionally attached.

At least, she thought she wouldn't.

Cupid's Bullet (Prequel to Survivors) *Louis Tomlinson*Where stories live. Discover now