Fort Vigilante

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It was just a normal day at school, or as normal as a day at ACR could get, the 'popular' kids were pissing about, and Me and Chloe were chilling in the back of french class. "Now" said Madame Siege, in a thick french accent, "Repeat after me: Le Jupe. Could someone tell me what that means? Chloe?"

"Huh? It's jumper innit?" Chloe's feminine voice echoed off of the bare brick walls. Madame Siege looked at Chloe, a look of surprise flickered on her face, and dissapeared, replaced by a look of venom. Madame Siege had expected Chloe to get it wrong. Chloe getting anything wrong was highly unlikely, as she was easily the smartest in the year, perhaps even the whole school.

Just as Madame Siege was about to continue her dreary lesson, the bell rang for lunch. "Now remember class-" Madame Siege began, before being knocked over by a sea of hungry 14-15 year olds. Me and Chloe snuck out behind them, before Madame Siege could harrass us about our untidy uniform.

"Phew, glad to be out of that." I said, just as the classroom was out of earshot. She giggled. "I thought you liked French?" I didnt remember saying that. "Chloe, are you feeling alright?" Her emerald green eyes flickered around the room, like they were looking for something. A pang of hunger appearred in her eyes as they locked onto mine. "Now you mention it, no. I feel.. hungry." She said, seemingly confused about it. I laughed "Ha! We'd better go get lunch then eh?" Her eyes lit up slightly as we walked into the lunch hall, which was barren apart from a few hundred school kids.

We sat down on a bench far away from everyone else and ate our lunch, I had a PB&J sandwich whilst she chomped on two slices of wholemeal bread, filled to the brim with lettuce and other healthy stuff. "I never understood," she said, with her mouth full and a peice of lettuce dangling out her mouth, "why you call it a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich, when thats what Americans call it, and we're not American?" I shrugged, and noticed that Chloe's skin had got an awful lot paler. "Chloe, are you sure you're okay? I think you should try and get the rest of the day off." She shrugged and walked of in the general direction of the school offices. Little did I know that would be the last time I saw her, alive anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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