Alone ~Chapter 1~

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(Picture is the readers clothes) 

"(F/N), go hide and no matter what don't come out," Your mother said, pushing you away with shaking hands.

"But mom!" you shouted, tears flowing down your cheek. 

"I said go!" she said, pushing you into the closet. 

The sounds of constant banging and laughter fills your ears. Peeking in through the crack of your closet, you finally hear the dead bolt break, before a man in black comes into sight. You tighten the hold you have on the knife in your hand, trying to ignore the screams and yelp no human should ever hear nor make. The sound of gurgling and gushing fill the room, while being painted in crimson red blood. 

"Now the job is almost done. Hehehe. I just need to find the girl," A deep voice said, before making eye contact with you. 

"There you are. Hiding in the closet are we?" he asked, walking towards you. 

'No! No! No! I don't want to die! Please! No!' you thought, fear rushing through your body. 

As you hear the creaking sound of the door opening, you closed your eyes ready to feel the pain and agony of death. 

"So beautiful... just like your mother. But we can change that, just like I changed her," he said, before letting his dagger slip across your cheek. 

"Excuse me miss?" A voice rang thought your ears. 

"Huh?!" you said, waking up from your nightmare. 

"Excuse me, but why are you in the hall way sleeping?" A young boy with brown hair asked you. 

'Ah. I must have fell asleep again,' you thought, rubbing the side of your temple. 

"Um.. miss?" he asked again. 

"How long has it been since someone has spoken to me?' you thought, before your eyes diffed to the albino girl standing next to him. 

"That's (F/N) (L/N). She's the falcon," she said, smiling down at you. 

"Huh? How do you know my name?" you asked, pushing up your mask. 

"Your the toughest dead-man in the whole facility. Everyone knows who you are, duh," A girl with brown hair said.

'You don't need to carry on conversations with them. You don't want to be as crazy as them, do you?' a little voice said in your head. 

"Minasuki be nice," the boy said, before helping you up. 

"Hello it's nice to meet you, I'm Ganta Igarashi," the boy said, before pointing to the albino girl. 

"That's Shiro. And that is Minasuki," Ganta said, pointing at the brown haired girl. 

'Why are they being so nice to me?' you thought, smiling at them. 

"Let's eat breakfast! I'm hungry!" Shiro said, running down the hallway.

"Hey Shiro wait up!" Ganta said, chasing after her. 

"Ugh. Well it was nice to meet the big bad dead-man," Minasuki said, before turning her back. 

'Now, I'm alone again,' you thought, before feeling something wet run down your cheek. 

"Mom," you whispered. 

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