C.T. Bloody Mary: Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Halloween night. Oh how I loath the night where everyone thinks that the mysterious Otherworld in real and closer to us than we think. Ghosts and demons and ghouls and shit like that? Do you really think dead people want to hunt absent minded human beings. If I was a ghost I wouldn't waste my time.

But because of my heritage and lovely family traditions, I'm accustomed to dressing up as a murder victim and parading around calling out trick or treat to every house in our neighborhood just to get candy and spend "family time" with my friends and family.

"You are really a butt kiss, you know that," Ezra asked pushing me toward another big, Halloween riddled haunted house decorated with a fog machine, spitting out heavy fog around a coffin with an obvious real human being waiting for someone walk by, a Friday the 13th Jason standing at the front door awaiting for some poor soul to ask for candy so they can show the plastic machete and have the children run off screaming bloody murder.

"I'm sorry Ezra," I sighed walking past the coffin as the man scream and opened the top. "I'm not into Halloween like the rest of you. It doesn't scare me anymore."

Ezra was my boyfriend of two years. And it was two years ago today when he asked me to be his girlfriend. Since I was a freshmen, I had fell for his beautiful smile and glistening green eyes. He was what girls couldn't live without. And in tenth grade he asked me out. Now we're working on going to school together next semester at the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut. He wants to take computer science and I'm majoring in graphic design. I personally couldn't wait. Especially seeing as I was ready to get away from my family and finally be on my own.

"I wish we were just having the double date that I wanted. You know, me, you, Lucy and Hale, together at a movie of something of that matter. Not trick or treating as we do every year."

"Stop being such a damn buzz kill, Melody," he said kissing my forehead as I rolled my eyes at Jason and got my candy. "Thank you Mr. Depp."

"Happy Halloween, Ezra. And happy birthday, Melody."

"Thank you Mr. Depp," I sighed before taking a few pieces of candy. I didn't need to be reminded that it was my birthday. It does not bring me joy to know that it's my eighteenth birthday. It really creeps me out.

"So you want to go to the movies," Ezra asked me and I nodded my head viciously. "Ugh, fine. Let's go to this last house and meet up with Lucy and Hale then we can go see Paranormal Activity 4."

"I'd like that," I laughed kissing his cheek. "Did I ever tell you that I love you?"

"You somehow love to remind me when I do something the way you want it," he took a side glance at me before wrapping his arms around me. "But I'm starting to see that you really do."

I laughed and let him guide me to the next house. "Starting, huh? Need I remind you of who actually gave you a box of chocolate and a corsage for Valentine's Day?"

"Yea, yea. But it was I who gave you a spider ring and asked you to be my girlfriend on your birthday."

"Because that was epically romantic!"

We both laughed and were finally joined by Lucy and Hale. "Please tell me we're ditching the douche bag murder costumes and finally doing something that has nothing to do with our birthdays," Lucy said and I laughed. "I'm assuming we were thinking the same thing."

"After this house, we are going to my house to change back and head to the movies."

"Thank Heavens," Hale said sarcastically and Lucy hit him. "What? I like going trick or treating every year. We have fun just the four of us."

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