21. run, run, as fast you can

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21. run, run, as fast you can


"You're fucking with me," I said, shaking my head. "There is no way that's the right amount."

Carlos laughed. "No jokes here. You made 8,000 dollars."

I stepped back, literally losing my balance. Theo caught me in his arms. "Don't fall, chérie,"

"I-I just can't believe this."

"Believe it, girl," Carlos smiled, handing me a very thick envelope. "Your talent will only continue to be recognized from here on out."

"8,000 dollars," I reiterated to Theo as we walked to my car.

"That's a lot of money," he nodded. "What are you going to do with it?"

"College savings account, definitely. Just in case I don't get that scholarship."

"Good choice. You know, I'm really proud of you."

My cheeks burned. "Thank you. But this money literally just gave me so much more energy. I'm going to finish my portfolio."


I nodded. "Today. Mr. Kia has been helping me find new depth and try to put my story into the art. And I'm finally going to finish it. Tell the others not to bother me for a few hours once I start. I'm going to be getting in the zone."

"Will do."


"So you have over 8,000 dollars from your paintings?" Clara asked me at my locker the next day before lunch. I nodded and she literally squealed. "You could do a lot with that cash."

"Well yeah. But later I'm going to put it in the bank. I have to keep it safe."

"Makes sense. So do you want me to edit the photos of your finished portfolio or leave it the way it is so you can send it to Amélie?"

I shrugged. "You can make it shinier but don't add too much."

"Okay." And then she groaned.

"What?" I asked, closing my locker and following Clara's gaze to land on one of her used to be friends. She ran away when she noticed we spotted her.

"She's been staring at us this whole time. Stalker," She grumbled. Why was one of them so invested in our conversation?

"Maybe Jeremy wants you back," I joked.

She pretended to gag. "I'm never taking that dickwad back. Don't even mention his name in my presence."

"Noted. And Clara, I really appreciate you helping me out with my portfolio."

"Don't thank me. It's the least I can do."

Today was the last day of school before Thanksgiving break and I was so ready to leave. But I still had more periods throughout the day. Clara and I walked to the cafeteria together. "Hey, where's Arya?" I asked. "I haven't seen her at school for two days."

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