Chapter 2

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The school dance was coming closer and closer and Kevin’s tutoring was only getting him so far. Thankfully, it was getting better to the point that Kevin could still be eligible to play sports. Nazz was happy as well since Kevin was getting better grades. Eddy and Ed often showed jealousy seeing that Nazz displayed her gratuity by embracing him with a giggle.

“What's with this new popularity of yours?” Eddy asked. Edd shrugged and shook his head as they were walking out of the school.

“Are you going to hang out with us today Double Dee?” Ed asked worried that his friend maybe gone yet another day. With a sympathetic smile, the tall boy pat the taller boys head sadly.

“I’m sorry, Ed. But today is Friday. We have the whole weekend to ourselves.” Grinning happily, Ed nodded unable to wait for Saturday to come by. Edd smiled as well unable to resist the loveable oaf’s grin. With goodbyes and promises to spend time on the weekend, Edd ran off to meet Nazz and Kevin.

“I don't like this lumpy.” Eddy growled watching the young scholar. Ed looked at Eddy confused.

“What do you mean Eddy?”

“The way he has him wrapped around his stupid little finger.” Ed, still lost looked at the angry little boy.

“But...Eddy...Double Dee is just helping Kevin out. That’s all.” Ed replied.

“No, Ed. It’s not.” At that he sulked off angrily, Ed following close behind concerned for his friend.


“So...C?” Edd smiled and nodded.

“Remarkable! Kevin you’ve been improving so much!” Nazz with a large grin on her face smiled nodding in agreement!

“Yeah, even Kev’s been tutoring me too! My grades have been getting better!” Edd smiled at her.

“That’s wonderful Nazz, I’m very proud of both of you!” She laughed as they got back to studying. At first Edd felt awkward around the two, much like a third wheel. But from encouragement from Nazz, Edd felt calmer around them. Instead of the third wheel he was part of them. To be with them was as natural as breathing over the past few weeks. And Eddy didn’t like it one bit.

“I’m sick of Sockhead hanging around shovel chin.” He sulked sitting on one of the school desks in detention.

“But Eddy, he’s only helping Kevin and Nazz.”

“It’s gone on too long!” Eddy growled. Ed sighed.

“I miss him too Eddy.” Eddy shook his head.

“Whatever, I know Kevin’s got something up his slimy little sleeve. And I’m going to prove it!”  He leapt of the desk he was sitting on and strutted towards the door.

“I don't think thats a good idea Eddy.”

“Aw, what do you know?” Closing the door behind him, he was firm in his judgement, however Ed wasn’t too sure about Eddy’s plan this time.

“My gut says this won’t end well.” He mumbled to himself.


“Hey double Do--I mean D.” He called watching him pack his bags ready to go home. Nazz had gone because of a last minute babysitting call.

“Yes Kevin?” Rubbing the back of his neck, nervously, Kevin chuckled slightly.

“Why did you avoid that light to get your hat? I mean, for a smart guy, you made it a lot harder to get your hat you know?” Edd looked down gently his shoulders slumped.

“I-I’m sorry, I don't want to talk about it?”

“I-Is it bad?” He questioned. The beanie wearing boy gulped a little before he nodded.

“I don't want your sympathy. Believe me, I’m fine.” At  that, he picked up the bag and headed for the door.


“Good night Kevin...” Kevin rushed to the door slamming it before Edd could slip out. Facing each other, Edd dropped his bag in shock looking at the stern eyes of the ginger.

“Look man, if you don't want sympathy and pity, then just stop looking so damn sorry for yourself.”

“Kevin I don’t--”

“Ever since that day, when the wind picks up, you have this insanely sad look on your face when you touch your hat.” Blushing softly the taller male, sunk a little lower, holding on to his hat. With a deep breath, he looked at Kevin’s concerned green eyes.

“It was when I was young.” He took off the hat slowly, flinching at the wide eyes Kevin made.

“My birth parents, they were killed in a house robbery. I was so scared I didn't know what to do. I was so young, so powerless.”


“M-Mother! Father!” The young Eddward screamed. Glass was scattered across the floor, the young boy’s knees shook violently, in the cold dark, leaving only shadows of strangers to be seen. And that was exactly what he saw. Two large shadows going into his parents room. The blood curdling scream of his mother filled the air, then came the shattering of vases and plates. Frightened the boy ran down the stairs, missing a step falling helpless to gravity his head repeatedly hitting the stairs on his way down. The last thing the boy heard was the sounds of two gunshots and his mother’s screams gone.


“After a few hours, I woke up to ambulance taking my parents down, in body bags. Our once happy home in ruin, and me, all alone.” Kevin stared at the large scar that began to circle around his head only to be covered by the hat he wears. Kevin’s arms lowered, his lower lip at the mercy of his teeth.

“Whoa...I-I’m sorry I asked. Really, I’m sorry.” He shook his head.

“No, you were right. I have been feeling so sorry for myself about what happened? What could I do? I was so small and young and helpless. But, luckily, I have loving parents know who showed me the path of knowledge and gave me the love my birth parents gave me. And I have wonderful friends here.” Kevin pat his hair, which was longer than he expected and softer, he smiled.

“I guess those dorks are good for something. They make someone like you happy.” He chuckled and started to get up. Edd, his heart still racing shot up and met his lips with Kevin’s on the way up. Both of them blushed but neither parted their lips rather they relished in the sparks coursing through their veins.

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