"F Words Not Allowed"

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In today's society, we all know, don't even pretend you're confused you little rascals, what's the first word that comes to mind when you read the title. Unless you have a very, very extra teacher, your answer is probably wrong.

I'm starting Chemistry, which has been a huge struggle bus since my memory is still partially missing, and I absolutely LOVE the teacher. Her perky personality definitely lightens up the dull, dreadful mornings that I have to deal with 5 days a week, waking up before sunrise. Those who are still in junior highs, middle schools, and elementary schools- you don't understand how terrible you feel when you watch the sunrise since it reminds you of how early you have to wake up. During the winter, sometimes the sun comes up when I arrive at school, hence having to wait at the bus stop in complete darkness.

It. Freaking. Sucks.

PERIOD. I don't know how early birds do it. Tweet tweet away from my window.

Reverting back to my chemistry teacher, she's a lovely lady. She's pretty good at teaching, but I do get frustrated very easily at why I'm not getting certain concepts. Otherwise, I love the class.

On the first day of school, I recall sitting down in the lab on these metal stools that really tempted me to slouch over the marble lab tables. My friend *Aaron complained for a week about how uncomfortable the stools were, but granted, he is a literal walking giant and had no choice but to slouch a bit. His feet has contact with the white, tiled floors, but me? I got the vertically challenged portion of the Asian genetics. I'm not too terribly short though, around the average height of Asians but still short compared to most Americans.

After making myself comfortable, I waved over to some of my other friends, the largest number of close friends in the class I've ever had, and turned back around to look around. Chalkboard, some cabinets, chemistry puns and table posters stretched and taped across the painted, white walls.

It was a pretty nice atmosphere, and the way the lab was organized wasn't stuffy whatsoever. It was very welcoming.

The teacher eventually called for attention to her as she addressed the lab rules. It's mostly common sense stuff- don't burn down the laboratory, don't flood the lab by pulling the handle for the shower (tempting but don't do it), and the lab isn't a toy box for 5 year old. <Future biologists and chemists, this is only the very BASIC form of the lab safety rules. Dear god please read the guidelines before doing anything. I don't want some dysfunctional experiment to occur and a demogorgon suddenly rampaging into my man-cave because some Russian had somehow snuck into the US later on from the news of that happening.


One of the rules that wasn't listed that she mentioned was that the teacher never ever wanted to hear us say the "F word with four letters". Now, I wasn't surprised that she didn't want us to say the curse word. That's nothing new to me. However, she didn't mean to reference that word; she meant "fail."
She didn't clarify that until one of the students in the back went "Fuck."

Worst part, the room coincidentally went silent right before the student said it, and I had to refrain from laughing from how bad the timing was, especially when the teacher was literally right in front of me.

"The word I meant was fail. Did I actually hear what I thought I heard?" the teacher said a bit warily.

Some Good Samaritan came to the student's rescue and said, "No he said faith. He needed more faith in himself, right *Max?"

A loud "YES" was heard from the back.

The poor teacher just gave both of them a tight lipped smile as I'm trying to withhold my laughter. I was so shocked by how bold the student was at the time. Whether it was boldness or pure stupidity, I shall never know.

Just know that whenever a teacher mentioned "F word", he/she/it probably means "fail". Of course, sometimes yelling "FUCK" across the room could be an indication of how much you are failing at life too.

(Not talking about the "winning at life" situation guys. You dirty minded folks lol).

**names changed for privacy

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