Chapter 1: Gotta Be You

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A/N: Feel free to comment as you read :) It makes my day to read your comments!

Sophie's POV

I woke up earlier than usual, which for me was 7 am, so that I could make some breakfast for Taylor. Today was her big day, she had been chosen to be in the talent show at school and she gets super nervous whenever she is asked to perform.

I tossed the pancakes on the pan, adding some blueberries before the mixture cooked all the way. They're Taylors favorite, along with fresh sizzling bacon with a side of scrambled eggs.

I decided to wake her up so that she could get ready before it became too late. I walked up the stairs towards my sisters room, hoping she wouldn't be pissed at me for waking her up earlier than she normally does.

I opened the door slightly, peeking my head through the slit. When I didn't see her I opened the door fully, looking around. Her bed was made and her room looked clean. I walked in to her closet and she wasn't there, I started calling after her, "Taylor!" I yelled. As soon as I yelled out her name the bathroom door opened, letting out steam.

"Yeah?" She asks,confused.

"Good morning! What're you doing up so early?" I ask, surprised, as a matter of fact.

"C'mon now, don't make it sound like I'm that lazy!" She steps out of the bathroom, entering her closet and feeling the different fabrics with her fingertips.

"I'm not, it just surprises me" I answer back with a smile.

"Alright then... Well, I just thought I'd wake up a little earlier and you know.. Dress nicely.." She speaks this softly, knowing what I'd say.

"YOU, Taylor, dress 'nicely' I am officially astonished." I nod my head at a beautiful, light blue, dress she picked out. (Picture on the side).

"Whatever. Can you please get out so that I can get dressed now?" She asks, already leading me out her door.

"I made you breakfast!" I say right as she shuts the door on my face. Well then.

Taylor's POV

I completely appreciate Sophie.. In case you were wondering! See our problem is that we're complete opposites when it comes down to socializing. She's beautiful, and talks to everyone, and every other guy in the school would want to be with her in a heartbeat. I don't much care about being "popular"... Attitude is way more important, in my opinion, and personality.

I dressed myself in the blue dress I had picked out from my closet and walked back in to the bathroom and applied some makeup. I sprayed some perfume on myself and since I had just done my hair I decided to go downstairs and eat whatever Sophie made for breakfast.

After we finished our breakfast we headed to school and everyone in the talent show got called down to he auditorium to do a last practice before our preformance. Even though there was about an hour left till we (me and my best friend) went on I was nervous. My palms were sweaty and my heart was racing. Mostly because I haven't really perfomed infront of a HUGE audience.

After rehearsing everyone started filling the theatre in our school, seeing my sisters face gave me somewhat of a relief, I'm so glad that she can support me.

After a couple of people went I heard the exact words of, "Next up is Taylor Ahlberg and Austin Reynolds singing a mash up of Say Something and All of me"

My heart stopped.

I suddenly felt someones hand touch my shoulder lightly and I turned around, staring right in to Austins eyes.

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