I'm Just Your Problem

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We were a perfect couple .Me and Him. At least that's what other people thought. Anyone who would pass by and look at us would quickly assume we'll be together forever. Well that was stupid to assume because it was the High School years. It was typical for a breakup to happen. Hearts are always played with during those years. And stupid me already knew that but decided to let myself fall in love with him anyways. Who knew it would hurt this much. To have me crying my brains out till this day. I'm 23 years old now. how pathetic right? This happened six years ago. He's probably having the time of his life right now. No doubt he already forgot about me. At least that's what the cover of magazines show.

"Playboy Dick Grayson spot on a date with Commissioner's daughter Barbara Gordon "

Ugh! I need to move on but every time I try the memories, oh those wonderful memories, come flooding back to my head. God I hate him for doing this to me. Two years after the breakup my sister decided to move us to Jump City. It was a beautiful city compared to Gotham, which was always cold and filled with cranky people then those annoying ass sirens every single night. It was totally dangerous to be out in an alley the middle of night there. You wouldn't survive. Jump City was the complete opposite. It was always sunny and the fresh air just glides you away from all your problems. The reason my sister moved us was because she was accepted into this modeling job.

But before I continue you need to know a little about the "Ander Family". Well my family first moved to Gotham when I was ten due to my father, Myan Ander , passing away. We just couldn't stand being in a place that only reminded us of him. My big brother, Ryan, chose to stay with my uncle Galfore. I really miss both of them. So my mother ,Lou Ander, got us a simple house in downtown Gotham. America was interesting at first but then it just turned into a dick afterwards. My Mom was having trouble affording us and later started getting a little sick. We never expected her to pass away by that bit of sickness.

So back to my sister , whose name is Karman by the way , had few years doing this job in Jump until they decided to transport her in the Modeling Institution back in Gotham. And that is why I'm here finished packing and getting ready to meet up with all my old friends who I have missed so much. Gar ,Rachel, Karen, Vic, Jennifer, Donna, Di-Well those first six were my closest friends while I was here in Gotham. I went to take a quick shower. I put on my dark blue jeans and a purple blouse with my black converse. Slipped on my leather jacket and headed out the front door.

"See ya later Karmen!" I yelled at my sister through the kitchen.

" Bye! Drive safely!" I roll my eyes. Ever since Mom past away she's been so protective over me. I get to my car and head to Vic's house. I'm just so excited!

I pull up to Vic's driveway and made my way to the door. I rang the doorbell and in a blink of an eye Karen and Donna are squeezing my lungs out with tears in their eyes.

"Oh girl do you realize how much we missed you!" Karen yelled.Donna was too caught up in trying to hug me to death to say anything.

"Karen is Kory here y-KORY!!!!!" ,And with that yell of my name the whole crew ran downstairs and came to join in the hug. I was crying. By the look of it we all were. It felt so great to see them again.

"What the hell took you so long!?!?" Gar said.Is everyone really that happy to see me?

"Gee if I would've known you'd guys be this happy I would've come sooner."

"Of course we'd be happy your here Kory!!!",Vic yelled,"Your our little sister!!! Your gonna have so much fun here! It will be just like old times!!!" Lies. It will never be the same without Dick.

"Can't wait. Hey um can you guys let go now or else your not gonna have a little sister anymore." I swear to God I heard a rib crack. Everyone gave a chuckle and let go. We headed inside to catch up on things. We talked and ate and were laughing the whole entire time.Im so glad no one mentioned "him" because of course they would understand what would happen if they did.I guess it is possible to be "happy" like the old times.

It was getting late, and sadly it was time to go.Mostly because I haven't answered any of Karman's calls ,and she is probably gonna give me this huge lecture when I get home.

"It was nice seeing you again Kor!!!" said Vic, along with giving me a bear hug.

"Yeah girlfriend, give us a call when your free so we can all go shopping like the old times!"Donna told me.Oh I remember those days, and I also remember the hangovers from Girls Night O-

"OMG remember we would always have "Girls Night Out" every Friday!!!We should totally do that again!",Jenny yelled ofcourse!"

"Rachel aren't you gonna invite Kori to the Annual Ball next month!?" ,Gar said out of the blue.Annual Ball? As in the Ball Bruce Wayne,Rachel's uncle, hosts every year?No no no!!! Then that means "he" is gonna be there! Like hell I'm gonna accept!

"Oh yeah.Kori why don't we meet up next weekend so we can help you choose a dress for the Annual Ball?"Oh dear how do I get out of this one...

"Uuh I don't thi-"

"OMG YAAS!!!And then we need to look for a date for her!This is gonna be so fun!!!"Really Donna!?

"You guys I really do not-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Kor!You are going wether you like it or not!" I guess I really have no choice in this.

" Ugh!FINE!"Everyone cheered!

"Yeah go ahead and cheer you little bastards, you're all probably doing this to torture me!"Everyone laughed and we said our goodbyes.It really was nice seeing them again. Oh yeah and you probably already figured my name out but here it is any ways.I'm Kory!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2014 ⏰

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