(8) Who Loves Who?

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i need to stop constantly posting chapters cause imma run out of pre written chapters and then imma have to write them from scratch and that's effort lmao updates will slow down when i get to that point.

also have a pic of me since it was the first and only time i've ever curled my hair and for once i thought i looked cute haha


Andy's POV

I was nervous. I had invited Amelia over to break up with her. I knew it was a horrible thing to do, given that we had only just gotten together. But I didn't have feelings for her. I still wanted to be friends with her, but I had a feeling that wouldn't be possible. I also knew it wouldn't be possible to be with who I actually liked.

"Hey baby!" She beamed when she arrived. She leant in to press a kiss to my lips, but I turned my head, causing her to kiss me on the cheek instead. She frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Sit down. We need to talk."

"Okay." She took a seat next to me, worry evident in her eyes.

"You're such a lovely girl, you know? I'm lucky to have you in my life." I started. She sighed, looking down at the floor.

"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" I nodded my head in response.

"Why?" I saw the tears building up in her eyes. She looked broken. It confused me, since we hadn't even been together that long.

"It's not you, it's me-"

"That's what they all say!" She scoffed. "Be honest with me. It's because I was terrible in bed, isn't it?"

"What? No!" I gasped, shocked that she thought I was that shallow. She stood up, glaring down at me.

"What boy would want to be with a girl who can't give him a good shag, eh?"

I rapidly shook my head, standing up and taking her hands in mine. "I swear to god it's got nothing to do with sex. I just don't think we're a good match."

"Who is she?" She mumbled, my eyes widening.

"There's no one else." I half lied. I wasn't cheating on her, but I did like someone else.

"Tell me who she is! Is she better than me? I swear I can be better. Just give me another chance, Andy!" She begged, no longer holding back the tears.

"Amelia, I can't. I don't like you like that. I'm sorry. I hope we can be friends, but no more than that." I explained calmly.

She stood up, pushing me backwards so that I fell onto the sofa.

"I can't believe you! I'm the best you'll ever get. I love you, Andy. I would do anything for you. Who could be better than me?"

"R-" I stopped myself, looking anywhere but at her. "I'm sorry. I'll give you space. Please can we still be friends?"

She bit her lip, looking down. "I really don't know, Andy. I'll see you later."

I let her leave, not allowing the tears to fall until she was gone. Was that a mistake?

Deep down, I knew it was the right thing to do. For me, and for her. I just felt so guilty. I couldn't even imagine the way she was feeling. She thought it was because she was bad in bed, but I would never allow that to be a problem. I especially wouldn't break up with someone because of it.

The problem was, I was in love.

I was in love with someone I knew I could never have, and it hurt like hell.


Being back in the club and watching them dance together was like a dagger in my heart. It wasn't fair that I had to feel like this while they got to be happy. The fact that Amelia was sat just a few seats away from me didn't help one bit.

Rye and Brie had dragged us out again, neither one of them knowing about our break up. I was planning on telling Rye as soon as he got home, but then he announced our night out. As much as I wanted to stay at home, I was never good at saying no to the younger boy. So I reluctantly let him drag me to the nearest club, leaving me alone with my ex girlfriend while he practically fucked his in the middle of the dance floor.

"Andy! Come dance with me!" Brie shouted over the loud music. I anxiously looked over at Rye, unsure as to if he would be okay with it. But he just gave me a smile as he ushered me away.

"I'm exhausted. Go keep her entertained for a bit, yeah?"

I hesitantly nodded, letting her grab my hand and lead me back to the dance floor. Her arms wound around my neck as my hands rested on her waist. I gave her a smile, feeling myself relax. Brie was a really good friend of mine and it felt nice to be spending some time with her.

We danced like this for a few songs. I glanced over at Rye and saw him talking to Amelia, his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists. She said something and his head shot forward. As soon as he looked me in the eye, he snapped and came charging at me, punching me in the jaw.

"Rye! What the hell!?!" Brianna screamed, crouching down to help me up. All I could do was stare at Rye in shock. I had known him years and never once had he laid a violent finger on me.

"Stay the fuck away from my girlfriend, you hear me?" He spat.

"What are you on about?" I shouted, maintaining eye contact. I saw nothing but anger and hatred in his eyes, two emotions that he had never once directed at me.

"I know all about your dirty little crush on her, and I won't accept it. She's mine!" He growled, shoving me backwards.

"Wait, you think I like Brianna?" I frowned, seeing her eyes widen, staring at me in surprise.

"Amelia told me all about how you broke up with her to be with Brie, so don't even try and lie about it!" He hissed.

I looked around, seeing everyone in the club staring at us. I looked at Amelia, her face showing hurt and a hint of guilt. I looked at Brianna, her face showing shock and confusion. I looked at Rye, regretting it instantly. He looked as though he was ready to murder me.

Before I could break down in front of them, I pushed through the crowd and ran out of the club.


Rye's POV

I sat down next to Amelia, ushering Andy onto the dance floor. I trusted him with Brie since I knew they were extremely close.

"Are you sure Andy can be trusted?" Amelia spoke. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, he hasn't told you? He broke up with me because he's in love with someone else." She explained.

"And you think it's Brie who he likes?"

"Look at them! It's obvious."

I glanced over and saw his arms around her waist, hers around his neck. They were smiling at each other and, as much as I hated to admit it, they looked like a real couple.

I felt myself getting angry as I watched them. The longer I observed them, the more I started to believe Amelias words.

As soon as I made eye contact with Andy, I saw red. I couldn't stop myself as I stormed towards him, surprising myself when my fist made contact with his jaw. As he fell to the floor, I instantly felt terrible. But when Brie went to help him up, all my regret disappeared.

After him denying his feelings and a lot of shouting, he ran out of the club. I watched him go, trying to comprehend everything that just happened.

I had punched my best friend. The one person I loved more than life itself.

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