13. The Fourth Piece.

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The library was a small place, right next to Anna's Cupcake Shop. It was  old-fashioned, with wooden walls, a small glass door and lanterns hanging inside. 

"It's one of the oldest places in town. Ancient, almost. It's been there for as long as one can remember." Antonio said, a knowing smile playing on his lips, as he pushed open the door, leading me inside.

"Oh! Haven't seen you in a while!" A stout old man with horn-rimmed glasses, from behind the counter shouted as he came out of his place to greet us, his eyes sparkling and his mouth spread into a grin. Patting Antonio on the back, he said, "How are you doing, my boy?" 

"Just fine, Uncle Nik." He said, throwing him a smile. 

"I'm sorry for the loss. Ah what a good lad he was! Without him, this place just doesn't feel the same." He said, with a sad smile, a faraway look in his eyes. Then he turned to me. "And who is this pretty young lady with you?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Oh, just a friend." I couldn't help but notice how he introduced me as his friend, and not Marc's. I wasn't sure how to feel about that. A major part of me felt, what could only be described as happy, grateful even, that he considered me his friend too and not just someone he met through Marcus, which was silly and immature, I knew but I couldn't help but feel giddy. A small part of me felt guilty. 

Guilty because if it hadn't been for Marc, we really would never have met. 

"What's your fine name, darling?" He asked, taking my hand and kissing the top of it, before I could react. 

"Garima." I said, as I smiled back at him. There was this positive vibe about him, this familiarity, this openness that I couldn't quite put my finger around. 

He reminded me slightly of my grandfather. Friendly, open and full of positive thoughts. And I realized how much I missed him.

How much I missed them.

No matter where I went or how far I ran away, they'd all be my family. Forever and always. They'd always be a part of me.

I just hoped they knew that and that they'd remember that even when I was back. 

Ignoring the guilt, I turned to face the old man who was now animatedly telling Antonio about the new books that he'd just ordered from the nearest city. "Um, excuse me?" I asked, clearing my throat.

"Yes, my dear?"

"Did... Did Marcus... Did he leave anything here for me?"

"Not that I know of." He said, frowning. "Was he supposed to?"

I was about to respond when a small voice from the back of the library, beat me to it. 

"Are you looking for this?"

We turned to face a tall, skinny girl with olive skin and dark curls forming a halo around her oval shaped face. In the dim light of the library, she looked angelic. She was dressed in a simple white floral frock that ended below her knees and she stood there, holding a piece of paper. 

"Mikaela?" Antonio whispered, hardly trying to cover the surprise in his tone. "I didn't know you still came here..." He muttered.

"It helps me get away." The girl said in a broken voice. "It helps me forget for a while." A tear rolled down her cheek as she said the last part. And I had this overwhelming urge to comfort her and tell her that it'd be alright.

She quickly wiped it away and looked at me. "I believe he told you about me." She said, as she slowly made her way towards us. 

Mikaela. The name sounded quite familiar. Was this girl he'd fallen in love with? Or claimed to? It wasn't hard to believe. She was beautiful. Even when she was weak and broken, she looked beautiful. 

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