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-2 months later-

I pull my bag onto my shoulder, peaking into my bosses office, he waves without looking up from his desk. I've been working the front desk at this talent agency for a while now but I'm just about ready to look for something else, I mean it's a mind numbing job.

I step onto the dark streets of the city, readjusting my bag and pulling out my phone. I have a few texts from Jenna , Chris, my brother and my mom. Nothing really from Jake. I'm not too surprised. We've done our best to communicate but he's been busy and I get it, even if it's a little upsetting. I had hoped he would call tonight, considering its been more than a week since our last call, we've shot each other the occasional text but I miss hearing his voice. It'll be almost 2 am in London though so I won't hold my breath about him calling tonight.

When I get to my apartment I make eggs for dinner just because it's so easy and I'm so tired, then I situate myself on my couch and pull out my laptop. I've been keeping up with Jake's interviews, watching whenever a new one comes out and smiling, or sometimes crying....

Nothing new today though so I flip on the TV and watch Criminal Minds for a while, a bad idea considering I'm a female living alone in the city. Despite the disturbing content I nearly fall asleep on my couch, shaken from my half-sleep by the sound of my phone buzzing. I pick it up without even checking the caller ID just to stop the annoying buzzing,

"Hello?" I say, sounding obviously sleepy.

"Y/N! Oh my god, babe, it's so great to hear your voice. Did I wake you up- Tom! It's past your bedtime kid!" I hear Jake yelling, the call is flooded with music and people talking and the sounds of a party. I'd usually be amused by a drunk call from Jake but for some reason I just feel frustrated.

"Sorry- one sec hun," I hear a door open and then close again, the sounds of the party quiet a bit.

"What's up Jake?" I ask,

"Sorry if I woke you up, I just missed you a lot you know? Anyways I think you should come to London." He says, his words pretty sloppy.

"Yeah? Jake that sounds great and all but-"

"I know I know I've been shitty at this, I haven't called as much as I should have I haven't texted, I'm sorry. I really do miss you though, more than you know baby." He says, I almost laugh, I'm pretty sure Jake has never called me baby before in his life.

"Oh really baby?" I mimic him and he laughs, the sound makes my heart jump and reminds me how much I miss him too.

"I think about you all the time, and I wish you were here because it's amazing and it's fun but it would be better with you." He hangs on the word "you" for a while, dragging it out dramatically. I laugh,

"You're very convincing Gyllenhaal."

"Convincing enough to buy a plane ticket." He asks, I sigh,

"I dunno about that." I sit up from where I'd been lying on the couch,

"Ok, ok that's fine. You don't have to know, that's ok- can you get out! Like can I get a damn minute!" Jake yells at someone on the other side of the line, it doesn't sound like him at all.

"Who was that?" I ask,

"Some random guy, he's drunk off his ass." Jake says,

"Yeah so are you Jake, call me when you're sober?" I ask,

"Wait wait wait, don't hang up. I get it, I get why you'd be mad just please hear me- what did i just say, i don't want to talk to you." This time Jake's voice is more hushed,

"Tell you're girl I said-" I hear a feminine voice on the other side of the line before Jake hangs up. I sit in shock for a minute, trying to put things together. There's no way... I mean Jake would never.... but I can't help remembering the rumors that he cheated on a past girlfriend of his. My brain starts spiraling and the phone rings again, I pick up and don't say anything.

"Sorry about-"

"Who was that?" I ask,

"Just that drunk guy again-" Jake starts.

"Don't lie to me Jake." I say, I hear him sigh on the other side of the line.

"She's some girl who's been hanging around the cast a lot, I dunno I think she's friends with one of the other actors-"

"Get to the point." I say, admittedly a little aggressively.

"There is no point really. It's just she's been hitting on me and, I need you to believe me    Y/n, nothing has happened." He says, sounding like he's sobered up a bit. I want to believe him and I mostly do, but there's a small part of me that is finding it hard to just blindly accept what he's saying. Especially after he's been so unreliable over these past few months, not calling when he said he would, not texting, not keeping me updated, or anything.

"Ok Jake." I say, choosing to believe him because I don't know what I'd do if I didn't.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I miss you, and I'm sorry that I haven't been doing so great with long-distance and-"

"It's ok Jake. I miss you too but I had a long day and I'm tired so call me later. Drink a lot of water big guy." I say, rubbing my eyes and shutting off the TV which is still playing episodes of Criminal Minds.

"Ok... alright yeah. I miss you." He says,

"Miss you too." I pull myself off the couch,

"I love you." He says, hesitating to hang up.

"I love you too. Alright bye," I head towards my room.


"Night." I hang up and climb into bed. I'm too exhausted to stay up worrying and I fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Love and Other Drugs, Right?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon