22. A Storm is Brewing

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I have just torn a page from my book and ripped it in half.

Then another.

Soon they are nothing but scraps of words, bits and pieces of memory and floating despair that litter the space between, and all around my feet.

I suppose it began with the fight, the day I woke to hear raised voices.

I went to the window and stood, hidden behind the drapes.

Your parents were arguing. They were shouting.

I had never heard a peep from your house, the whole time you were away.

Your parents never talked. Your house was the quietest one in the neighbourhood.

But today something was wrong. Your mother was crying. And screaming. Your father was yelling. 

Disjointed fragments of speech drifted into my bedroom.

        - how could you do something so stupid -

        - it was just once -

        - how could you -

        - shut up -

        - what are we going to do -

        - I said shut up I've got to think I can't think with you screaming at me -

        - what are we going to do Oh God what are we going to do -

        - shut up shut up shut up -

        - I'm calling Jaemin -

        - no, don't -

        - he's got to know -

        - I said no -

I felt a chill, as if my blood had dried inside of me. 

Something terrible had happened. And it had to do with your dad. 

Your mother was going to call you. You were going to be sucked in, whatever it was. 

I felt a heavy sense of dread. The air felt thick all of a sudden; I couldn't breathe.

I texted you at once.

Your parents are having a big fight. I'm worried. They're fighting over whether to call you.

I didn't feel like I was being a busybody. This was your family, and whatever it was that was upsetting them was my business. They've become my family too. Especially your mum. She's like my second mum, and it hurt me that she was crying. 

The voices had faded. They had moved somewhere else.

I sat on my bed, and waited for your reply.

My phone beeped twenty minutes later.

I just called my mum. She wants me to come home asap. My dad's in big trouble. Apparently he embezzled some company funds. Seems they found out about it today. He's been suspended, pending an investigation. Shit. Shit. Shit.

My heart sank like a stone.

I texted, So are you coming home?

My phone beeped.

Yes, asap. Today. I'm going to call admin, then I'll take the train back. I'll text you. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I texted back, Okay. I'll be in. 

Jaemin the Icy Prince on Campus - Na Jaemin NCTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang